you should probably know that in a network communication there is the client part and the server part
To run the server you must specify the port for listen
./myteams_server port
To run the client you must specify the server ip and the port listen by server
./myteams_cli ip port
1- Implemented commands
LOGIN (/#)
This command sets the user_name used by the client
LOGOUT (/logout)
This command disconnects the client from the server
HELP (/help)
This command show help
USERS (/users)
This command gets the list of all users that exist on the domain
USER (/user)
This command gets information about a user
SEND (/send)
This command sends a message to a user
MESSAGES (/messages)
This command lists all messages exchange with an user
SUBSCRIBE (/subscribe)
This command subscribe the client to the event of a team and its sub directories (enable reception
of all events from a team)
SUBSCRIBED (/subscribed)
This command lists all subscribed teams or list all users subscribed to a team
UNSUBSCRIBE (/unsubscribe)
This command unsubscribes the client from a team
USE (/use)
This command uses specify a context team/channel/thread
CREATE (/create)
This command is based on what is being used and creates the sub resource
LIST (/list)
This command is based on what is being used and lists all the sub resources
INFO (/info)
This command is based on what is being used and lists the current