🚧 Work in progress
$ npm install unexpected unexpected-enzyme enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16
with yarn
$ yarn add unexpected unexpected-enzyme enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16
const unexpected = require('unexpected');
const unexpectedEnzyme = require('unexpected-enzyme');
const expect = unexpected.clone().use(unexpectedEnzyme);
Find it here
$ git clone git@github.com:albertfdp/unexpected-enzyme.git
$ cd unexpected-enzyme
$ yarn install # or npm install
Running tests
$ yarn test
We welcome pull requests, bug reports, and extra test cases. If you find something that doesn't work as you believe it should, or where the output isn't as good as it could be, raise an issue!
Huge thanks to @bruderstein for an awesome job with unexpected-react, which this project relies on internally. And to chai-enzyme as a great inspiration.