A Sub C language interpreter able to execute C-written instructions both by C text file and by console real time input. The interpreter is able to recognize errors (lexical/syntax/semantic/logic errors) reporting them and to arise warnings to improve the user experience.
The lexical analyzer was generated using Flex (the scanner generator) where regular expressions was used to describe the token patterns. The syntax analyzer was generated using Bison (the parser generator): it builds the parse tree using a bottom-up approach. The sub-C language syntax was developed by scratch. The semantic analysis phase uses the 'syntax-directed' approach and builds the intermediate representation: an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The interpretation phase uses the generated intermediate representation to execute the C instructions.
The Interpreter works with a subset of C language instructions and data structures.
If you publish any work which uses the code stored in this project, please cite the following creator:
Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino
Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino
I'm happy to help you with any question. Please contact me on my mail: