This tool can be used to query a PACS server and get a list of studies between a date range. It is based on dcm4che toolkit.
There are two kind of result: 0, long: patient name, modality, number of series and instances, study date, suid 1, short: only suid, useful for machine parsing (like a script invoking
./dcmold/bin/ AETITLE@ "US" 20000101-20090101 0
./dcmold/bin/ AETITLE@ "*" 20080101-20090101 1
./dcmold/bin/ AETITLE@ "MR" 20080101-20090101 1 > file.txt
Using the last example, you can run ./dcmold/bin/ to invoke twiddle and, i.e. remove from the PACS server all the sutdies in the 20080101-20090101 date range. Remeber to edit setting your parameters and the dcm4chee service to invoke.
It uses the following jar files
commons-cli-1.2.jar commons-collections-3.2.1.jar commons-lang3-3.1.jar dcm4che-core-2.0.26.jar dcm4che-iod-2.0.26.jar dcm4che-net-2.0.26.jar dcm4che-tool-dcmqr-2.0.26.jar dcmold.jar log4j-1.2.16.jar mail.jar slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar