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This library aims at # linear interest rates (IR) derivatives using a multi-curve framework.
- Daycount conventions,
- Schedules generation, with business days adjustments (e.g.: Modified Following) and roll conventions (e.g.: End-Of-Month),
- Discount factors and forward rates calculations,
- Representation of fixed and floating rate swap legs,
- Rate curves based on a flat rate or an interpolation,
- # of fixed and floating rate swap legs using rate curves.
The library has Symbolics.jl as a dependency with the purpose of running calculations symbolically for debugging or validation purposes.
- Decouple modules low level functionality for better unit testing, write orchestrators separately.
- Support Rate Curves interpolation in the space of rates rather than discount factors directly, based on a selected RateType (COMPLETE).
- Develop a calibration routine for a single curve.
- Setup for MultiCurve # in a single currency.
- Proper testing and benchmarking with Quantlib.py. (See Issue #2)