Python script automating the execution of genome assembly for HCMV transcriptomes from two donors 2 days and 6 days post infection (dpi).
Tools included in this pipeline are:
bowtie2 for indexing HCMV and mapping reads to the index
SPAdes to produce a single assembly from the transcriptomes
Blast+ to check contig(s) against reference Betaherpesvirinae database
Biopython to parse FASTQ and FASTA files
After downloading the repository, the full pipeline can be run by running the '' python script. Test data is available to quickly check the effectiveness of the pipeline. Otherwise, full sample data can be used to produce results. Running '' will prompt user input for either 'full' or 'test' data to be run. Please specify which you would like to run by typing 'full' or 'test'. The prompt IS case sensitive, so respond exactly as the words appear.
The script will generate a directory 'PipelineProject_Alec_Loftus' where all files created during the pipeline will be generated. If this directory already exists in the path, '' will fail. Please either change directories to one where it can be generated or delete the existing one using 'rm -r PipelineProject_Alec_Loftus/'.
For the Blast conducted, a reference database of Betaherpesvirinae has been preconstructed for time and replicability purposes. The code used to generate it can be found in a block comment in step 5 of the There were 15,065 fasta sequences used for the database at the time of creation. If you want to run the pipeline gathering the most updated list of Betaherpesvirinae subfamily sequences, you can remove the block comments and run this step.