A simple port scanner detector library, with focus on lightweight memory usage.
uses a probabilistic algorithm to detect if you're under a port scan attack. Right now, it only detects tcp opening
connection packets (SYN flag only).
The general idea is to use the minimum amount of memory, to store information regarding a possible port scan threat.
The data structure that fits the most for this task is the bitmap. This bitmap is divided into an arbitrary number of
bin, which can store information about requested ports.
After an amount of time specified by the user, Peng
will calculate the entropy of each bin and return the total entropy
of the entire bitmap. With this result we can estimate if we were under a port scan attack.
The algorithm uses: hash function
, entropy
and a bitmap
as the only data structure.
Used to spread a port unevenly in the bitmap.
func hash(port uint16) (uint16, uint64) {
portModuled := (port / uint16(cfg.NumberOfBin)) % uint16(cfg.SizeBitmap)
index, bit := portModuled/uint16(cfg.NumberOfBits), uint64(portModuled)%uint64(cfg.NumberOfBits)
return index, bit
The implementation is a bit different. Before saving the entropy, there's a check on the number of bit set to 1
and the number of bit set at 0. If bitAt1 > bitAt0 then entropy = 2 - entropy
. With this little variation, we expand the
range of entropy from 0-1 to 0-2. We can use this additional information to understand how many bits (hashed port) were
filled in a specific bin (2 = all bits set, 0 = no bits set).
The bitmap implementation is a slightly improved package made by andy2046.
after receiving a config struct will start listening at provided network interface. Each packet is processed by
inspection function, that will add the port to the bitmap through the AddPort func call. After the user-configured
timeout has triggered, Peng
will save the data to influxdb and in a csv file (according to user configuration).
After the saving, it will reset all the bitmap and repeat the entire process until sigterm signal.
- In order to use
you have to run it with root privileges. Peng
is a library which will add more user extensibility and generalization in future releases.- User can also attach own hash function instead of default one, by simply pass their func in the creation of the PortBitmap.
and influxDB 2.0
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
install winpcap
$ docker run --name influxdb -p 9999:9999 quay.io/influxdb/influxdb:2.0.0-beta
To use influx
cli, console into the influxdb
Docker container:
$ docker exec -it influxdb /bin/bash
For more information visit: https://v2.docs.influxdata.com/v2.0/get-started/
$ wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb_2.0.0-beta.8_linux_amd64.tar.gz $ tar xvfz influxdb_2.0.0-beta.8_linux_amd64.tar.gz
$ wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb_2.0.0-beta.8_linux_arm64.tar.gz $ tar xvfz influxdb_2.0.0-beta.8_linux_arm64.tar.gz
You can find peng
binaries on the release tag
gopacket used for snmp requests
go get github.com/google/gopacket
influxdb-client used for influxdb request
$ go build ./cmd/main.go
In order to use peng
you have to run it with root privileges.
peng -timeFrame [1m] -bin [16] -size [1024] -bucket [my-influxdb-bucket] -org [my-influxdb-organization] -token [influxdb-auth-token] -verbose [0-3] -export [filepath] -network [interface-name]
Mandatory flags:
Default values:
- host:
- influxUrl:
- influxPort:
- size:
- bin:
- timeFrame:
- verbose:
Type $ peng -help
Usage: sys-status [options]
-bin uint
number of bin in your bitmap (default 16)
-bucket string
bucket string for telegraf
-export string
file path to save the peng result as csv
-influxPort uint
influxPort number (default 9999)
-influxUrl string
influx url (default "http://localhost")
show the list of all your network interfaces
-network string
name of your network interface
-org string
organization string for telegraf
-size uint
size of your bitmap (default 1024)
-timeFrame string
interval time to detect scans. Number + (s = seconds, m = minutes, h = hours) (default "1m")
-token string
auth token for influxdb
-verbose uint
set verbose level (1-3)
output version
Example of Peng
run in a vps attacked with nmap.
sudo ./peng -export example.csv -timeFrame 1m -verbose 1 -network ens3
[2020-05-12 21:59:23.470892594 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 21:59:23.472064964 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 0.034310
[2020-05-12 22:00:23.473281504 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:00:23.473341867 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 0.039592
[2020-05-12 22:01:23.473978497 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:01:23.474115757 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 0.031978
[2020-05-12 22:02:23.474697460 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:02:23.474774361 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 0.029029
[2020-05-12 22:03:23.475401756 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:03:23.475471083 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 0.029029
[2020-05-12 22:04:23.476088620 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:04:23.476893474 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 0.471501 <--- nmap -p 1024-4500
[2020-05-12 22:05:23.477620446 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:05:23.478184020 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 2.000000 <--- nmap -p 1-65535
[2020-05-12 22:06:23.479309923 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:06:23.480428884 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 2.000000
[2020-05-12 22:07:23.481522728 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:07:23.482427633 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 2.000000 <--- nmap -p 1-65535
[2020-05-12 22:08:23.483598518 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:08:23.483668647 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 2.000000
[2020-05-12 22:09:23.484227734 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:09:23.484265740 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 0.044114
[2020-05-12 22:10:23.485277904 +0200 CEST] [CLIENT] total entropy: 0.000000
[2020-05-12 22:10:23.486417752 +0200 CEST] [SERVER] total entropy: 0.029029
time | client | server |
2020-05-12 21:59:23.470412091 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 0.034310 |
2020-05-12 22:00:23.473068571 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 0.039592 |
2020-05-12 22:01:23.473690964 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 0.031978 |
2020-05-12 22:02:23.474517459 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 0.029029 |
2020-05-12 22:03:23.475135393 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 0.029029 |
2020-05-12 22:04:23.475877961 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 0.471501 |
2020-05-12 22:05:23.477429489 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 2.000000 |
2020-05-12 22:06:23.479014420 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 2.000000 |
2020-05-12 22:07:23.481216162 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 2.000000 |
2020-05-12 22:08:23.483284809 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 2.000000 |
2020-05-12 22:09:23.484062181 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 0.044114 |
2020-05-12 22:10:23.484760435 +0200 CEST | 0.000000 | 0.029029 |
Data pushed every 15s
The first 2 spikes was done with (nmap -p 1024-4500) the last one with (nmap -p- ~468.39 seconds). You can see that in normal condition we get a straight line, when a port scan is in action we see the spikes.
Note: The higher the entropy = higher chance of being port scanned. Remember that the entropy (used in Peng
) range
between 0 and 2. You should check the average entropy in normal circumstances and start alarming when you see the total
entropy with high value.