Robaka is my testbed for ROS and SLAM. Software runs on Arduino Due (this repo) and Jetson Nano - the repo is here:
This project uses build toolchain. Import the project and it should pull the dependencies.
- Clone SimplePID to lib:
- Change Adafruit_L3GD20_U.h as following
!! NOTE that Gyro is using non-standard address 0x69 instead of 0x6B and D3 id instead of D4 or D7
// #define L3GD20_ADDRESS (0x6B) // 1101011
#define L3GD20_ADDRESS (0x69) // 1101001
// #define L3GD20_ID (0xD4)
// #define L3GD20H_ID (0xD7)
#define L3GD20_ID (0xD3)
#define L3GD20H_ID (0xD7)
- Change Wire to Wire1 in LSM303 implementation.
- Make ROS use the SerialUSB of Arduino Due; in ArduinoHardware.h:
#if defined(USBCON) and !(defined(USE_USBCON))
/* Leonardo support */
// iostream = &Serial1;
iostream = &SerialUSB;
- Patch ydlidar node:
- Apply cartographer configuration in ydlidar: