Rotor Toolbox for novel damping mechanism investigations
Create a folder somewhere in your PC
mkdir RotorToolBox
Clone the git repository to the folder you just created
git clone
or download a fresh copy of the source code of RotorToolBox at git page
Once you have donwloaded the source code follow the next instructions.
Startup Matlab and add "path_to_rotortoolbox/RotorToolBox" directory to MATLAB search path. To achieve this, you should do either:
- Look for the "Environment" then choose "Set Path" and Add Folder and select "path_to_rototoolbox/RotorToolBox" then Save and Close
- Add the following line to your startup.m file: path(path,'path_to_rotortoolbox/RotorToolBox'); [linux platforms] path(path,'path_to_rotortoolbox\RotorToolBox'); [Windows platforms]
Once you have succesfully installed RotorToolBox the next step is to type at matlab command window
After this, the toolbox functions provided by RotorToolBox can be fond at MATLAB path.
Then follow the displayed instructions
help RotorToolBox
Check demos of the RotorToolBox. Follow the next instructions a) click the help icon "?" b) look for "Supplemental Software" at the page c) Then click the link "RotorToolBoxBeta Toolbox". Please note that if the link does not appear it means that something went wrong at step 1. Try to setup the RotorToolBox path by typing at the matlab command window >> setRotorToolBoxPath d) Finally click the link "WT Toolbox Demos" and the list of demos of the RotorToolBox will appear.
Happy RotorToolBoxing!