This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
algos is developed as an organizational tool to monitor and aid in algorithm problems and practice. Algorithms are dynamically assigned to pairs to practice whiteboarding. Additional resources, data structures, and links are also listed on the site.
Deployed on:
Built by Alexander Wang. Influenced by
- Run
git clone
and navigate to the project folder with cd algorithms-2001-fsa-ny - Run
npm install
- Run
npm run start
to start the app on http://localhost:3000/
- Attempts to replicate Fullstack Academy's REACTO practice
- User Page to keep track of interviewer/interviewee/instructor roles
- Complexity is a quick reference for Time and Space Complexity models
- Behavioral and Interview Prep as a reference guide
- Pair Generator to generate pairs for whiteboard practice
- Archive for types of problems covered
- Bonus feature: darkmode
Thanks for your contributions to this project
Peter Chen 📖 |
Stanislav Levitt 📖 |