This project builds a Raspberry PI Docker container embedding a Samba server. This container allows you to share files over network using SMB protocol, used by Windows clients.
Install Docker on a Raspberry PI host.
Build a Docker image using this command:
$ make
A Docker image named 'rpi-samba' is now available. Create a new Docker container from this image:
$ sudo docker create --name rpi-samba --restart always -v $PWD/public:/data/share -p 445:445 -p 139:139 -p 137:137/udp -p 138:138/udp rpi-samba
You are now ready to start this container:
$ sudo docker start rpi-samba
The Docker container exports a public network share named 'Public', linked to a local directory using a Docker volume.
The Samba share is using the directory /data/share
in the Docker image.
Tweak the command line argument -v /your/local/dir:/data/share
to set a specific directory.
This program is a free software published under GPL. Copyright (c) 2017 Alexandre Roman.