logo by Eric Dauenhauer. Check out his other generative art and cool pieces at https://ericyd.com/generative-art/
This theme takes Noctis syntax highlighting and replaces color scheme with Material Palenight. A bit of added personal flair as well and color scheme is tuned for python. Enjoy!
I have been running with Noctis Uva theme by Liviu Schera for a while now and I think it is just about the perfect theme for me, but I kept coming back to the sweet color palette of Material Palenight by Mattia Astorino. I wanted the best of both worlds! So I stole the syntax highlighting from Noctis and replaced the color scheme with the colors of Material Palenight. I think it looks good!
Install Material Icon Theme and Material Theme first. Set the theme to Material Palenight, then cmd-shift-p
or ctrl-shift-p
to get command palette and select Material Them Icons: Fix icons accent. Basec on Material Theme
. This will make the icons looks sweet. Then switch back to Nocterial Palenight theme.