Boomtown is a web application used to share and borrow items. This repository contains both client- and server-side code. The project uses Node, Express & Apollo on the server side and React, Apollo Client, React-Redux, React Router & React Final Form on the client side. It supports user authentication and persists user and item data in a Postgres database.
Once signed up at the /welcome route, the user can browse the available items they wish to borrow at /items, then request to borrow them. They can share their own items by filling out the form on the /share page. They can view the items they've shared or borrowed and return the borrowed items on the /profile page.
Backend/Front-end | Technologies Used |
Backend | PostgreSQL, Node, Express, JWT, and GraphQL (Apollo). |
Front-end | React, Redux, React Router, React Context, Final Form, Apollo Client |
The server utilizes Apollo's Express middleware to enable flexible queries from the client. Unauthenticated users are able to query the login, # and viewer endpoints. Authenticated users are able to query user, item and tags and are allowed to mutate the data in Postgres through addItem, borrow & return endpoints, as well as to logout.
Note that running the server requires an active instance of PostgreSQL running locally.
Commands must be run from the server
npm install
npm run start:dev
npm start
Retrieving data requires an active Postgres instance.
Just linting:
npm run lint
Run linting, and fix any errors:
npm run lint:fix
Run Jest tests:
npm run jest
Run Jest tests, and watch for changes:
npm run jest:watch
Run all tests:
npm run test
The client is written in React. It utilizes Apollo client to interact with the server through GraphQL, React Context to retrieve the viewer, React Router for routing. The /share page contains a form (built w/ React Final Form) that changes the item preview automatically upon the user interacting with the form inputs. The state between the form and the preview is shared through React Redux.
Commands must be run from the client
npm install
npm start
npm run build
Just linting:
npm run lint
Run linting, and fix any errors:
npm run lint:fix
Run all tests:
npm run test