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OhHeckYeah OhHeckYeah

The OhHeckYeah video games, written with Java & Procesing, built on top of Haxademic.


Installing / Compiling

  • If you're on OS X, it's helpful to see hidden files. Run this command in Terminal:
    • defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
  • Download the standard Eclipse IDE for Java development, and the Java Development Kit itself:
  • Clone or download the ohheckyeah-games-java project
  • Open Eclipse and: File -> Import -> General / Existing Projects into Workspace
    • Choose the ohheckyeah-games-java directory that you cloned/downloaded, press Finish, and the project should be ready to use, albeit with some errors.
  • Download and install the Processing 2.x core libraries (they're too big to include in this project). Add the jars to your build path, as well as the libraries that come with Processing (video, minim, etc.):
    • Download Processing and right-click the application. Select Show Package Contents
    • Within the package, navigate to Contents/Java/core/library
      • Copy the contents of this directory to ohheckyeah-games-java/lib/processing-2/core (create this directory if it doesn't exist)
    • Within the application package again, navigate to Contents/Java/modes/java/libraries, and again copy the contents. Paste them into ohheckyeah-games-java/lib/processing-2/libraries
  • Download and install the latest SimpleOpenNI (Kinect) drivers with the instructions for your particular platform.
    • Unzip and copy the SimpleOpenNI directory into your project's lib folder
    • This is most likely to work with the 1st-gen Kinect model 1414
      • If you have a model 1473 Kinect camera, you might try this build of the SimpleOpenNI library, but this isn't guaranteed to work
  • Download and install the latest Leap Motion for Processing library.
    • Unzip and copy the leap-motion-processing directory into your project's lib folder
    • This directory should be renamed to LeapMotionForProcessing
    • Right-click the project root folder and click Properties
      • Click the Java Build Path section, and click the Libraries tab
      • Click the accordion arrow next to LeapJava.jar and LeapMotionForProcessing.jar
        • For each, select Native Library Location, then the Edit... buttons to the right
        • Click External Folder... and find the directory with the c++ libraries for your platform. For OS X, it would look something like: ohheckyeah-games-java/lib/LeapMotionForProcessing/library/macosx
    • Make sure you've installed the latest Leap Motion software from the system control panel and turn on auto-updates
    • Also make sure to install the latest Leap Motion SDK
    • Run the Leap Motion app, calibrate your Leap, and make sure that the red Infrared lights are turned on and that the unit is running
  • In the Package Explorer in Eclipse, right-click the lib directory and select Refresh. This will let Eclipse know that you've added the appropriate libraries on your file system.
  • Make sure you're compiling with at least Java SE 6 (1.6):
    • Right-click the ohheckyeah-games-java project in the Package Explorer or Navigator window and click Properties
    • Click the Java Compiler section and check the Enable project specific settings box on the right
    • Select 1.6 as your Compiler compliance level, if possible
    • If "Configure the Installed JREs" is shown at the bottom of this window, click that, make sure the 1.6 item is checked, then click OK.
  • If you're using a Leap Motion controller, make sure you're compiling with Java SE 7 (1.7) or Java SE 8 (1.8):
    • In Run Configurations for your application, click the JRE tab and select Alternate JRE, then select Java SE 7 or Java SE 8 from the dropdown
  • Right-click on any of the games' main .java files within src/org/ohheckyeah/games (, for example) and choose Run As -> Java Application from the menu. This will create a run configuration for the game, but you'll likely crash due to running out of memory.
  • In Run -> Run Configurations, select your app and add the following VM Arguments when running the Java Application to increase memory allocated to your app. This is a minimum of 1gb and a maximum of 2gb of RAM:
    • -Xms1G
    • -Xmx2G
  • Run the application again, and you should hopefully have a game running, with mock controls.
  • Find the game's .properties file in data/properties to turn on a hardware controller by setting kinect_active or leap_active to true

OhHeckYeah uses the following Java & Processing libraries, which I've included in this repository unless they're too big:

General Use / Tips

  • If you want to wipe your bin/ directory, you'll have to do a Project -> Clean… in Eclipse afterwards.


The OhHeckYeah video games







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