The final project for my bootcamp at HyperionDev. Using React, Redux and Bootstrap an app was developed in accordance with the task to create the classic game hangman with progressing images, counters, keyboard inputs, instruction page & a game over screen with a reset button.
In terms of functionality it is fairly simple by using either a keyboard or the keyboard buttons in the app you have 8 guesses to find the hidden word. The app will let the player know whether they are correct, won or lost and allow the player to play again after every game.
This app was created using:
To install:
- Download the files to a local directory.
- Use a command/terminal to select the directory folder.
- Run the following command 'npm install' to download the required modules.
- Then once the modules have been downloaded enter the command 'npm start' to compile and run.
- In the event that the app doesn't start in the browser enter the following address: 'localhost:3000'
Alternatively you can check it out here on Github: Click here to give it a try.
To use the app is very simple as the design provides information as to how the player is meant to proceed. Starting with a message to enter a letter the app also indicates the length of the word and a keyboard to provide the letter.
The keyboard buttons provide feedback to the player by changing color to red if the letter was incorrect or green if it is correct and a letter appearing onscreen. The app also allows for the player to input the letter through a physical keyboard allowing the keyboard panel to be closed and the incorrect letters to appear alongside the total wrong section.
If the player wants to read the rules of the game app there is a button in the top right courner that will display/hide the instructions. If the player accidently hits the same letter more than once a notification will appear to let the player know with no penalty.
Once the player has guessed the correct word or made 8 wrong attempts the end screen will appear letting the player know if they have won or lost. It will also provide the missing word and the ability to restart the game.
If you wish to contribute to any of my files, you are more than welcome to as long as you keep in mind the following:
- Provide a description of any minor changes before commiting.
- If you are making major changes please branch the project.
- Provide a name/handle so you can be aknowledged for your work.
- You do not require my permission to proceed with any changes.
- As this is an MIT License the project may be copied to another repository for any reason at any time and used how they see fit.
This project falls under The MIT License allowing for the use of this project for any purpose. For more information on this type of license please see the
- Alex Hill
Please feel free to contact me here: