Hello! This page is designed to help you get this in your Discord profile:
Anyone who clicks on your profile will be able to view your current system, its region, its mode, and how long you have been in-game. Further, by clicking on the appropriate buttons, they will be able to join you in game, as well as access dankdmitron’s excellent ServerList+.
Credits: thehackerboi69github for the base code | dankdmitron for his starblast-pinger node module | and my undisclosed programming nerd friend, who taught me the basics of JS.
- Download nodejs using the appropriate method for your OS. Link to official website: https://nodejs.org/en/
- Ensure you have it downloaded correctly by firing up a command prompt and typing
node --version
. - Also ensure npm is installed by typing
npm --version
. - Next, update nodejs to the latest version. Ensure you have version >15 (otherwise starblast-pinger will break). Follow instructions on the nodejs website, or consult Google.
- Make sure you have the Discord desktop client installed and “Activity” enabled under Settings > Activity Status > toggle on Display current activity as a status message. This method uses Discord’s RPC, which only works on desktop.
- Create a new folder to house your new project, and create a new command prompt window in this folder.
- Initialize your project by typing
npm init -y
- Install the following node modules by typing
npm install <name of module>
: discord-rpc and starblast-pinger. - Head on over to the Discord Developer Portal.
- On the top right, click “New Applications”
- Give your app a name, like “Starblast by Neuronality”
- Head down to Rich Presence > Assets
- Click Add Image(s) and upload a cool Starblast image. Note the name of the image.
- Go back to “General Information” and copy down your Application ID.
- Head on back to the command prompt.
The hard part is done! The rest is just plug and chug!
- Go back to the Google Drive folder that you got this instruction sheet from, and download indexold.js into the folder you created for this project.
- Open indexold.js in your favorite code editor.
- Head on down to where it says client ID: ‘’. Copy your Application ID in between the single quotes.
- Head up to large_image and change “starblast-poster” to “”.
- Change any other text fields if you want, like large_text, button labels, etc.
- When you’re about to start a Starblast game or want to share your current game via your status, go to the project folder and type
node indexold.js <game link here>
in the command prompt. The specifications of your current game should show up on Discord for all to see!
If you have any questions, feel free to DM me at aliabe#4188. Thanks for reading!