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3.0.0-ALPHA (Dec 5th, 2024)

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@KomachiSion KomachiSion released this 05 Dec 08:31
· 134 commits to v3.0-develop since this release

This version is a pre alpha version of 3.0.0. In this version, Nacos contains many APIs and deployment changes from old versions to enhance the security and usage, the main different changes:

  1. APIs are categorized into different types, and different types of APIs will adopt different default authentication strategies.
  2. Enabled nacos console authentication and need more configuration setting when deploying first time.
  3. Nacos console UI use new v3 console API replace old v1 API, and default disable old v1 API old console UI used.
  4. The default namespace public change its id from ``(empty string) to public, which cause not support upgrade from old version Temporarily.

And in this pre alpha version, Nacos Server add experimental features: support xDS protocol directly. currently, support EDS, LDS, RDS and CDS.

Welcome community developers and users test and try out this version and report problem and suggest to Nacos.

Warning: 3.0.0-ALPHA is a pre version, it's features and APIs might so some adjustment in future versions, please don't used in product environments.

Detail Changes in 3.0.0-ALPHA see:


Sync services and endpoints from k8s.

Support CDE, EDS, incremental EDS of xDS.

Support LDS and RDS of xDS.

Categorize Console APIs.

Console UI use new Console APIs to replaced old APIs.

Enabled Console APIs authentication by default.

Deprecated old api and default disabled old console api.

Enabled Inner APIs authentication by default.

Unified default namespace Id as public.