This module adds a payment method to Magento 2 checkout using the PinPayments hosted fields service.
Installation via Composer:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"aligent/pinpay": "dev-master"
The hosted-field solution embeds an iframe within the M2 checkout and avoids the need to have credit card details ever pass through the application server.
- User hits
Place Order
- The iframe billing address is configured using the selected billing address
- The hosted iframe window is messaged with a set-token request to generate a card token
- The card token is messaged back to the parent window (Magento checkout)
- The card token is attached to the order payload
- The server sends a request using the generated card token to authorize and/or capture funds.
Payment reviews are not currently supported, a suspected_fraud response will be treated the same as any other error, and the order will not be created.
(c) 2016-2019 Aligent Consulting
Licensed under Open Source License (OSL) v3.0