This is a project containing code able to represent and solve travelling salesperson problems. It also contains code able to repersent and solve dynamic travelling salesman problems - TSPs where nodes are non-stationary.
Up to date code for this project can be found and downloaded here:
The Main method (found in src/main/java/com.alike/ has an attribute "mode" - this attribute can be switched to one of the enumerator values.
Depending on the value of "mode", the main function will change the programs behaviours to solve TSPs with a requested method.
Raw data can be found in the file TravellingSalespersonProblem/dynamicResults.txt
The test graphs can be found in the dynamicTestGraphs.txt file.
The file contains the test dynamic graphs in the format: node1_x,node1_y;node2_x,node2_y;node3_x,node3_y ... ;; node1StartVelocity_x,node1StartVelocity_y;node2StartVelocity_x,node2StartVelocity_y;node3StartVelocity_x,node3StartVelocity_y ..
A demonstration of how to read the graphs back from file can ge found in