Hello! I'm Ali Mohamed, a dedicated 4th-year Bachelor of Science student at Western University, specializing in Computer Science with a minor in Game Development. My technical repertoire spans Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, Java, C#, C++, Unity, and Godot, fueling my passion for software and game development.
Recently, I've expanded my expertise into mainframe computing, currently learning COBOL and having led the "Student Zenter" project—a mainframe-based initiative to modernize university student center services using IBM Z technology. This project not only honed my skills in COBOL, JCL, and Java but also enhanced my understanding of large-scale system reliability and data security.
In addition to my technical pursuits, I am proficient in video and audio production with tools like Adobe Creative Cloud and Audacity. Academically, I've excelled in courses such as Data Structures and Algorithms, and Object-Oriented Design, developing strong problem-solving skills and thriving in team environments.
If you’re interested in a passionate collaborator for software or game development, or just want to connect, reach out! I'm eager to explore new opportunities and apply my skills to impactful projects.
- 🌍 I'm based in London, ON
- ✉️ You can contact me at atm17871@gmail.com
- 🚀 I'm currently working on zoweAutoTest
- 🧠 I'm learning Unity, ReactJS, BootStrap, Hugging Face, Sentiment Analysis, COBOL
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Indie Game Projects, Game Jams, Frontend Work, Mainframe Projects
- ⚡ Always Learning, Always moving forward.