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The accompanying code of "What Makes ImageNet Look Unlike LAION."

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This is the accompanying code of "What Makes ImageNet Look Unlike LAION." (link to the paper)

This page explains how to

  1. Download and use LAIONet
  2. Create LAIONet (Section 2 of the paper)
  3. Evaluate the accuracy of various models on LAIONet and compare it to their accuracy on ImageNet ILSVRC2012 (Section 3.1)
  4. Analyze and contrast intra-class similarity of LAIONet, ImageNet, and ImageNet-V2 (Sections 3.2 and 4.1)
  5. Reproduce the results of experiments in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the paper

Download and use LAIONet

LAIONet is a research artifact intended to highlight the differences between LAION and ImageNet. Our goal was not to provide a new benchmark or a new training set. LAIONet includes confidently sampled images, but the labels are not reviewed by humans and may contain limited mistakes. Therefore, please use LAIONet cautiously. You may also want to follow next sections to create your own version of LAIONet with possibly different thresholds.

LAIONet as a table of image URLs and their captions can be downloaded from here as a parquet file. You may want to use pd.read_parquet command to read the file. The images are under their copyright and should be downloaded or processed on the fly (as the codes do in this repository). LAIONet table contains the following columns:

  • SAMPLE_ID: The original ID assigned to each instance in LAION-400M. We will not use these IDs.
  • URL: The URL of the image.
  • TEXT: The caption of the image.
  • HEIGHT, WIDTH, and LICENSE of the images.
  • NSFW: Whether the images are safe for work. Copied from LAION-400M. NSFW images are not removed so please use safely.
  • similarity: The CLIP similarity of the image and caption as reported by LAION-400M developers. We use a different version of CLIP which is not consistent with theirs. Therefore, if you are going to use this similarity, you may want to run to obtain consistent numbers as ours.
  • name_def_wnid: The textual representation of the instance created by concatenating the name and definition of its associated synset. This is called synset text in the paper.
  • text_to_name_def_wnid_similarity: CLIP similarity of the caption and synset text. In other words, the similarity of TEXT and name_def_wnid columns. In the paper, this is referred to as text-to-[name: def] CLIP similarity.

The labels of LAIONet are pickled here. You may want to use pickle.load to load the labels. This will load a Python dictionary with a WordNet ID as key and a list of indices as the value. These indices are the indices of LAIONet table. WordNet IDs are unique IDs assigned to each synset in WordNet. Look at this file to see what lemmas are associated with each WordNet ID.

The previous steps are sufficient to download and use LAIONet independently. But if you want to use the codes of this repository to process LAIONet, in order to ensure consistent naming, create a copy of the LAIONet table and labels at the same directories and rename them as the following:

  • laionet_v1.parquet to subset_sm_filt_part-00000-to-part00031-5b54c5d5-bbcf-484d-a2ce-0d6f73df1a36-c000.snappy.parquet
  • wnid2indices_v1.pkl to lemma2uniformlaionindices(substring_matched).pkl


We recommend cloning the project, creating a virtual environment, and installing the required packages from requirements.txt:

python -m venv laionvenv
source laionvenv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create LAIONet

Creating LAIONet involves three steps:

  1. Substring match LAION texts with the lemmas of ILSVRC 1000 synsets.
  2. Using CLIP, calculate the similarity of LAION texts to the textual representations of their matched synsets.
  3. Select instances with high similarity to their associated synsets to create LAIONet.

In the following, we explain the commands and execution details for each step.

1. Find lemmas in LAION texts

Run script to substring match LAION texts with lemmas in 1000 ILSVRC synsets. The script requires a dictionary, mapping lemmas to their WNIDs. We recommend using the default option which only includes lemmas that are unique across synsets. The script should be run for each of the 32 parts of LAION-400M. The parameter --laion_part determines the part, taking a value from 0 to 31. It also allows parallel processing by setting --n_process. Make sure to set --self_destruct if you want to remove the downloaded LAION part after the process is done. Use script to run on multiple LAION parts in parallel. Look at the scripts for further arguments and help.

Using default parameters, the previous scripts save a dictionary per each part in folder laion400m/processed/ilsvrc_labels. Each dictionary maps WNID to LAION indices for that part.
Use the following command to extract a dataset from all LAION instances that are matched to at least one lemma:

python scripts/createdataset/ \
--labels_filter "wnid2laionindices(substring_matched_part*).pkl" \
--method substring_matched \

The --method argument is only for consistent naming throughout the process and --self_destruct ensures LAION original files will be removed from the disk by process completion. This command will create a large dataset in .parquet format under folder laion400m occupying ~4 GB of the disk.

2. Calculate LAION text to synset text similarity

The first step to calculate textual similarity of a LAION instance and a synset is to create a textual representation for the synset. Generally, we call such a representation a query. Following the paper, we recommend concatenating the name of the synset and its short definition. This corresponds to QueryType.NAME_DEF. Look at for a list of possible queries. Run the following command to calculate LAION text to synset text (query) similarity for the dataset we created in the previous step:

python scripts/calcsimilarity/ \
--labels_filter "wnid2laionindices(substring_matched_part*).pkl" \
--method substring_matched \
--query_type name_def \
--query_key wnid \
--gpu_id 0

The above command allows specifying --gpu_id or no_gpu. Look at the script for further arguments and help. We recommend using a single GPU for this task to accelerate calculation of CLIP embeddings. Upon completion, a new column text_to_name_def_wnid_similarity will be added to the dataset. We drop LAION instances which have lemmas from multiple synsets at this step.

3. Filter out LAION instances with low similarity to their synsets

Run the following command to filter out LAION instances with low textual similarity to their associated synsets:

python scripts/createdataset/ \
--similarity_th 0.82 \
--remove_nsfw \
--method substring_matched_filtered

We followed the paper and set the minimum required similarity to 0.82. Follow notebook choose_text_query_similarity_threshold.ipynb to see this is a conservative choice and try out other values. Setting --remove_nsfw removes the instances labeled to be not safe for work. Using default parameters, the script creates a new dataset, to be called LAIONet, under laion400m folder. It also saves a new dictionary in laion400m/processed/ilsvrc_labels which maps WNID to the indices of LAIONet.

Find and compare accuracy

Find accuracy on LAIONet

Like LAION, LAIONet created in the previous section solely includes the URLs of the images rather than the images themselves. Consequently, downloading the images is necessary to evaluate any model. Currently, our codebase supports the evaluation of any model compatible with HuggingFace classifier in an efficient way. We particularly used the models listed in But LAIONet is self-contained and researchers can use their own scripts to evaluate other models based on LAIONet.

To download the LAIONet images on the fly and predict their labels using selected models, use the following command:

python scripts/predict/ \
--method substring_matched_filtered \
--predictors selected \
--n_process_download 16 \
--n_process_predict 1 \
--pred_max_todo 500 \
--gpu_id 0

Beyond selected models, the argument --predictors allows for any ILSVRCPredictorType from or can be set to all to include all models. The remaining parameters determine the degree of multiprocessing. In this case, we have utilized 16 processes for image downloading and one process for predicting their labels. It is worth noting that parallelization greatly enhances the download process. Setting number of processes beyond the number of your processor cores is not recommended. Additionally, we highly recommend using a single GPU to expedite model evaluation. Sometimes downloading is faster than prediction. The parameter --pred_most_todo determines the maximum number of batches downloaded but not predicted. After this threshold, the program pauses the download and wait for the prediction to catch up. To change the batch size look at ILSVRCPredictorsConfig in

The above command saves one .csv file for each model in laion400m/processed/ilsvrc_predictions. The file comes with the name of the model and date and contains predicted WNIDs. To evaluate these predictions, use

python scripts/postprocess/ \
--labels_file_name "wnid2laionindices(substring_matched).pkl" \
--method substring_matched_filtered \
--predictors selected 

This command will add one binary column for each model in --predictors to LAIONet. It also allows selecting specific version of predictions by setting --predictions_ver. An average of these columns give accuracy of each predictor. Look at the script for further options and guidance.

Find accuracy on ILSVRC2012 validation set

Download the images of ILSVRC2012 validation set from and put them under folder ilsvrc2012/ILSVRC2012_img_val. Run script to obtain predicted WNIDs. The predictions will go under ilsvrc2012/processed/predictions. Next run script with default parameters. This will add one new column per model to ILSVRC2012_val.parquet that shows whether the predicted WNID for each sample is correct or not. The average of these columns give accuracy on ILSVRC validation set.

Compare accuracy on LAIONet and ILSVRC2012

Follow notebook evaluate_predictions_on_subset_substring_matched.ipynb to obtain equally weighted and LAION weighted accuracy and compare them on LAIONet and ILSVRC. This will reproduce results of Section 3.1 in the paper.

Calculate CLIP zero-shot accuracy

Use scripts and to calculate CLIP image to all synsets similarities for LAIONet and ILSVRC validation set. Then follow notebook calc_clip_zero_shot_accuracy.ipynb.

Find and compare intra-class similarity

Find intra-class similarity of LAIONet

Run the following command to find the intra-class similarity of LAIONet images:

python scripts/calcsimilarity/ \
--labels_file_name "wnid2laionindices(substring_matched).pkl" \
--method substring_matched_filtered \
--do_sample --n_sample 100 \
--n_process_download 16 \
--gpu_id 0

This will calculate one pairwise similarity matrix per each WNID in LAIONet and save it in laion400m/processed/clip_image_similarities. Since some classes have many images, we recommend using --do_sample and keep only a couple of images per each class. We recommend using multiple processes for downloading LAIONet images on the fly by setting --n_process_download. We also recommend using a single GPU for this command.

Find intra-class similarity of ILSVRC2012

Make sure you have downloaded ILSVRC validation images and placed them under ilsvrc2012/ILSVRC2012_img_val. Run the following command to find the intra-class similarity of ILSVRC:

python scripts/calcsimilarity/ \
--images_path "ilsvrc2012/ILSVRC2012_img_val" \
--dataframe_path "ilsvrc2012/ILSVRC2012_val.parquet" \
--index2wnid_path "ilsvrc2012/processed/labels/imagename2wnid.pkl" \
--gpu_id 0

The results will be in the same format as LAIONet intra-class similarities and go to the same place laion400m/processed/clip_image_similarities.

Find intra-class similarity of ImageNet-V2

First, make sure you have downloaded and preprocessed ImageNet-V2 as explained here. Then run the below commands three times

python scripts/calcsimilarity/ \
--images_path "imagenetv2/imagenetv2-[version]" \
--dataframe_path "imagenetv2/imagenetv2-[version].parquet" \
--index2wnid_path "imagenetv2/processed/labels/imagenetv2-[version]-imagename2wnid.pkl" \
--gpu_id 0

where version takes three values matched-frequency, threshold0.7, and top-images. The results will be in the same format as LAIONet intra-class similarities and go to the same place laion400m/processed/clip_image_similarities.

Compare intra-class similarity

Follow notebook evaluate_distribution_of_similarities.ipynb. This will reproduce results of Sections 3.2 and 4.1 in the paper.

Evaluate text-synset similarity of ImageNet-Captions

In Section 4.2 of the paper, we evaluated text to synset similarity of ImageNet-Captions and showed text alone cannot explain why an image is selected into ImageNet. We reproduce the results here.

First, make sure you have downloaded and preprocessed ImageNet-Captions following this guideline.

Next, run the following command to calculate text-synset similarity:

python scripts/calcsimilarity/ \
--dataframe_path "imagenet-captions/imagenet_captions.parquet" \
--index2wnid_path "imagenet-captions/processed/labels/icimagename2wnid.pkl" \
--query_type name_def \
--gpu_id 0

This will add a column text_to_name_def_wnid_similarity to imagenet-captions.parquet.

Finally, follow notebook evaluate_distribution_of_similarities.ipynb to reproduce results of Sections 4.2.

Recreate ImageNet by searching LAION for most similar captions

In Section 4.3 of the paper, we recreated ImageNet from LAION images which have most similar texts to ImageNet captions. We showed this new dataset does not resemble the original ImageNet. We reproduce the results here.

First, make sure you have downloaded and preprocessed ImageNet-Captions following these steps.

To search LAION, we first need to create an index for its texts. You can find a 16 GB FAISS index processed by us here or follow the next steps to obtain your index with desired properties:

  1. Run to obtain an initial set of LAION text embeddings.
  2. Run to initiate a FAISS index.
  3. Run repetitively on all or some of the LAION-400M 32 parts to update the index. Whether you downloaded our processed index or created your own index, you can use notebook demo_query_faiss_index.ipynb to test the index.

Given a text index, run the following command to search the index for most similar texts to ImageNet captions:

python scripts/searchtext/ \
--dataframe_path "imagenet-captions/imagenet_captions.parquet" \
--gpu_id 0

If you created your own index, change the default values of --indices_path and --faiss_index_path accordingly. We recommend using a single GPU for this step. The results will go under laion400m/processed/ilsvrc_labels.

To create a dataset from search results, run the following two commands:

python scripts/preprocess/

python scripts/createdataset/ \
--labels_filter "wnid2laionindices(subset_ic_most_sim_txttxt).pkl" \
--method imagenet_captions_most_similar_text_to_texts \

The --method parameter in the second command is solely for the consistent naming purpose. Setting --self_destruct ensures the original LAION files will be removed from the disk after process completion.

Now that we have created the new dataset, run the following command to obtain its intra-class similarity:

python scripts/calcsimilarity/ \
--labels_file_name "wnid2laionindices(subset_ic_most_sim_txttxt).pkl" \
--method imagenet_captions_most_similar_text_to_texts \
--do_sample --n_sample 100 \
--n_process_download 16 \
--gpu_id 0

Finally, follow notebook evaluate_distribution_of_similarities.ipynb to reproduce results of Sections 4.3.


The accompanying code of "What Makes ImageNet Look Unlike LAION."






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