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Mostly useful scripts and files for processing MiSeq amplicon data


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# This repository no longer updated. Use akutils 1.2 instead:
# **********************************************************************
# ***                                                                ***
# ***                         akutils README                         ***
# ***                                                                ***
# **********************************************************************
# This is a collection of scripts I wrote to make myself more productive
# while doing microbial ecology work with QIIME. I was having difficulty
# knowing that I was making the best decisions in my analyses, so I
# started writing this as an exercise in getting to know the QIIME
# commands that I was using better.  I can now use it to run many OTU
# picking workflows in a row and it generates the plots and stats that I
# like to have access to right away.  This avoids the tedium of entering
# many commands and helps to keep me organized.  For more information on
# the functionality of akutils, check out the wiki pages:
# I do everything on a Linux system (Ubuntu 14.04).  I have also tested
# most of them on CentOS 6.6 (monsoon at NAU). You should be comfortable
# installing packages and such that these scripts might require.  I will
# try to include in help functions what dependencies are required, but
# here is a short list which should cover most of these tools:
# 1) QIIME 1.9.0 (
# 2) ea-utils (
# 3) Fastx toolkit (
# 4) vsearch (
# 5) ITSx (
# 6) Smalt (
# 7) HMMer v3+ (
# 8) Mafft (
# Install these and then you can use my scripts.  If they break for you,
# I probably can't help.  Mostly because I don't really have any
# computer science background and moreso because I am a graduate student
# with not a whole lot of time.  Still if you find any problems or have
# ideas for useful functionality, you can submit an issue via github:
# **********************************************************************
# Installation (two options):
# Install option 1: Use my new installer script (best for bare installs,
# but probably works on existing installs fine).
# Go to and follow
# the (very short) instructions.
# *****
# Install option 2: Clone the repo
# You need git installed (default on many systems).
# git clone
# Then add the repo directory to your path.  That should be everything,
# but to help you to know that you have everything in place, 
# dependencies and all, you should run the dependency check utility:
# And then check your results:
# result
# Below are
# instructions to add a directory to your path in Ubuntu or Centos as
# this sometimes confuses people.
# *** In Ubuntu 14.04, change /etc/environment (need sudo power). ***
# While anywhere, execute:
# sudo nano /etc/environment
# Add a PATH line or append your existing one.
# If you have to add a line, it will look like this:
# PATH=$PATH:/home/<userid_or_accountname>/akutils
# If there is already a line that looks like that, append it:
# PATH=$PATH:other/paths/first:/home/<userid_or_accountname>/akutils
# Log out and log in, reboot, or type "source /etc/environment" in
# all open terminals.
# *** In CentOS 6.6, modify .bashrc (should not need sudo). ***
# While in your home directory, execute:
# nano .bashrc
# Change PATH line as in Ubuntu instructions, then execute:
# export PATH
# Log out and log in or reboot.
# **********************************************************************
# Updating:
# When I make useful changes, I will push them to the repo. To benefit
# from these changes, navigate to your akutils directory and type:
# git pull
# After this, you want to rerun the config utility:
# and choose "rebuild" to make a fresh global config file.  Older local
# config files may not function correctly after an update.  Some scripts
# may miss a variable import without a config file to match the version
# of that script.
# **********************************************************************
# Citing akutils:
# Andrew Krohn. (2015). akutils: Facilitating analyses of microbial 
# communities through QIIME. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.18615


Mostly useful scripts and files for processing MiSeq amplicon data







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