Releases: alk224/akutils-v1.2
akutils-v1.2: Facilitating analyses of microbial communities through QIIME.
akutils: Andrews' Kang Utilities
Simplified command-line workflow for processing marker gene data through QIIME. Additional tools are available including formatting databases to a desired region (e.g. trimming GreenGenes to just the v4 region), PhiX removal, Ancom and two-way permanova functions and more.
akutils home page
akutils wiki
Changes since last release:
- Various bug fixes
akutils-v1.2: Facilitating analyses of microbial communities through QIIME.
akutils v1.2 release (1.2.3)
Changes since last release:
- changed strip_primers from fastq-mcf to cutadapt
- added primer_list and primer_file commands to facilitate strip_primers
- updated README
- two-way permanova function
- improved ancom.R function
- indicator species function
- DESeq2 transformation in core_diversity
- option for de novo chimera filtering in vsearch
- several bug fixes
akutils-v1.2: Facilitating analyses of microbial communities through QIIME.
akutils v1.2.1 release 2016-06-30
rewrite of strip_primers, utilizing cutadapt instead of fastq-mcf
primer_file command
primer_list command
fixed akutils test workflow
updated tutorial
updated documentation
akutils v1.2.1 release 2016-06-30
rewrite of strip_primers, utilizing cutadapt instead of fastq-mcf
primer_file command
primer_list command
fixed akutils test workflow
updated tutorial
updated documentation
akutils v1.2.0 release 2016-06-28
Bug fixes in test script
New update script
Synthetic indexes script
Updated stacks module name for monsoon (NAU cluster)
Updated html output to avoid flicker on some systems
beta release for akutils v1.2
Most major bugs have been worked out. Workflows proceed without issue most of the time.