Ostos the shopping list, first version released
This is a shopping list application for SailfishOS and Jolla smartphone.
There are out some other shopping list apps, but still I felt I'd like to write one.
Even though there is a built in help. I'll do a brief presentation.
These are the most used pages, First page, Add (Search to buy) page, and Item Edit page:
On the first page, the first three items are have a switch ON, marking that the item is to be bought
The fourth item has been marked as bought, by tapping the switch (to off).
The fifth item is flagged, you'll find use to it.
Whenever one changes the switch states on items by tapping, the list will then re-arrage itself so that the switch ON are first, then come Flagged and finally switch OFF items. The latest modified sit on the top.
You can add new items and search those in history (items that are in OFF, Flagged or Hidden state).
You can enter search page, then go to edit page and accept by swiping left or other forward navigation.
You can select a shop for each item. The items can be filtered by the shop. There are 2 special shop names: * and ?.
- * will show all items regardless of the shop assignment
- ? is the default shop, the value each item will have if you don't set it. It can be also be used to designate items that you can buy anywhere, or you don't really care about the shop thing for the item. :-)
In this version (v1.01)
- The logs have been mostly been eliminated by commenting out.
- In the few earlier versions, I attempted to intenationalize the ? default shop as qsTr( "unassigned").
It became a mess and the proper place for the translation didn't come clear. Sometimes it worked in
view delegate, sometimes not, while putting it to model or database would cause trouble and structural problems.
Cleaned it up so that "?" is the default shop name in all languages. Even that required a dirty trick, bypassing input escaping in the special case of "?" as unknown shop name. - I wrote the help files in English, Finnish, Spanish and even German. - You can help in translation.
- There are additional Google translations available via internet access. The web help page is at application's support page, which currently is:
I wrote this because I can
During the last years I have spent a lot of time in domestic work and buying groceries.
This is also a show of the fact that I can and have updated my skills once again, continuous learning has never stopped.
I used to work as a senior software engineer and project manager, and I loved my work. I want back to business!