Brazilian Synchroton Light National Laboratory - Campinas, 02/28/2019
Author: Allan S. B. Bugyi. Contact:
- Polling of data sources;
- Streaming of data sources with 3 modes available:
- Simple stream of a single user-defined datasource;
- Stream of Position/Velocity/Acceleration data sources from all channels (3 for PicoScale);
- Stream of Position data sources from all channels.
- Configurable parameters for streaming/polling (channel/datasource indexes, frame rate, buffer number, buffer aggregation, interleaving)
- Environmental module stats.
- EPICS Base >=3.14;
- SynApps >= 5.8;
- C and C++ compilers;
- Make;
- Asyn (AsynPortDriver) module from SynApps;
- SmarAct Libraries (located under directory 'lib/' of this IOC. Must be installed in appropriate system location, e.g., directory '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' for a Linux 64 bits).