In a system that implements the CQRS pattern (Command query responsibility segregation) this project would implement the query part, at least, as I understand it would be to do this part, adding an event consumer with Kafka in which I receive the event to create a fast and scalable reading table, in this case with elastic search, but it could be any other that allows free and scalable readings, such as couchdb. By using spring-boot as a framework glue, it is possible to change the database with very little effort.
receiving data from kafka topic, saving into ES.
Tests! DONE
Docker file DONE
Docker-compose DONE
Saving in ES 2.4.1 using property file. DONE
Integrate with Eureka DONE.
Update docker-compose file to use an integrated eureka server. Not yet.
Actually application.yml poins to localhost. Not yet.
Integrate with spring-cloud-config server.Not yet.
Doing something cool with Kibana. Not yet
Interesting links
plugin install mobz/elasticsearch-head