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Markdown notes system with bi-directional links, Vim integration and local webapp


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Notesium - A simple yet powerful system for networked thought

Writing does not make intellectual endeavours easier, it makes them possible. Deepen understanding, insight, and allow for structure to emerge organically by linking notes.

Build status Latest Release License

image: web interface screenshot

Notesium (pronounced no-tes-ee-im), is an opiniated, simplistic yet powerful system for creating, storing and accessing knowledge by means of notes.

It aspires and is designed to:

  • Do one thing, and do it well - per the unix philosophy.
  • Support the concepts of Evergreen notes and Zettelkasten.
  • Be used with your own text editor (e.g., Vim integration) or embedded Web app.
  • Be used with a local folder of markdown files.
  • Be as close to zero friction as possible.
  • Be lightweight and fast.

Warning: Experimental, proof-of-concept. Here be dragons!

Table of contents


  • Blazingly fast and powerful search.
  • Preview notes and links, with line highlighting where relevant.
  • Visualize the relationships between notes with an interactive graph view.
  • Create and edit notes with your own editor or the embedded web app.
  • No need to think about file names or folder locations.
  • Instantly create a new note with a keybinding.
  • Structure emerges organically through bi-directional links.
  • Frictionless creation, listing, previewing, and following of links.
  • No caching or preprocessing: Everything is computed on the fly.
  • List
    • Display a list of all notes in the entire system.
    • Sort the list alphabetically, by date created, or date modified.
    • Prefix titles with associated labels, date created, or date modified.
    • Customize date format for prefixed date created or date modified.
    • Limit the list to label notes (one-word titles).
    • Limit the list to orphan notes (no incoming or outgoing links).
  • Links
    • Quickly search and insert an automatically formatted link.
    • Display a list of all links in the entire system.
    • Display a list of all related links to the current note.
    • Limit the list to incoming links to the current note.
    • Limit the list to outgoing links from the current note.
    • Display a list of broken links and jump there instantly.
  • Lines
    • Perform a full text search across all notes in the entire system.
    • Optionally prefix each line with the note title for context.
    • Supports line filtering queries with AND, OR, and NOT conditionals.
  • Stats
    • View counts of notes, labels, orphans, links, lines, words, etc.
  • Finder
    • Interactive filter selection TUI.
    • Supports List, Links and Lines commands and their options as input.
    • Optional preview window with syntax highlighting and concealment.
  • Web
    • Completely self-contained and runs locally.
    • Create and edit notes with web based editor (optional vim-mode).
    • Markdown syntax highlighting, special char and links concealment.
    • Markdown table formatting and navigation.
    • Markdown section folding with optional fold gutter.
    • Open multiple notes in tabs, drag to re-order, keybindings to switch.
    • Finder integration for List, Links and Lines with preview.
    • Note deletion with incoming-links verification and confirmation.
    • Daily and Weekly notes support with Date picker and keybindings.
    • Resizable, configurable and optional panels for different use cases:
      • Labels panel: Integrates with List panel, but useful on its own.
      • List panel: Detailed and compact views, sort, filter, preview.
      • Graph panel: Visualize note relationships, emphasizes active note.
      • Note sidebar: Actions, stats and incoming/outgoing link-trees.
    • Force graph to visualize and explore the relationship between notes.
      • Context aware fullscreen and panel views.
      • Emphasize nodes and their links using search filter or node click.
      • Auto track and emphasize active note and its relationships (panel).
      • Note preview in side panel with inline incoming-links (fullscreen).
      • Adjust node size dynamically based on bi-directional link count.
      • Toggle title visibility and automatically scale per zoom level.
      • Tweak forces such as repel force, collide radius, and strength.
      • Drag, pan, or zoom the graph for a better view or focus.


[Web] Panels: compact notes list and graph panels image: web compact-list graph panels

[Web] Panels: labels, detailed notes list and note metadata sidepanels image: web labels detailed-list metadata panels

[Web] Graph: visualize the relationships between notes with an interactive force graph image: web graph fullscreen

[Web] Graph: filter notes with emphasized matches, and preview note image: web graph fullscreen preview

[Web] List: prefixed with associated labels and sorted alphabetically image: web prefixed label

[Web] List: prefixed with modification date and sorted per modification time image: web prefixed mtime

[Web] Links: display all links image: web links all

[Web] Links: display links related to the current note image: web links related

[Web] Links: link insertion triggered by [[ image: web link insertion

[Web] Lines: full text search image: web full text search

[Vim] List: prefixed with associated labels and sorted alphabetically image: vim prefixed label

[Vim] List: prefixed with modification date and sorted per modification time image: vim prefixed mtime

[Vim] Links: display all links image: vim links all

[Vim] Links: display links related to the current note image: vim links related

[Vim] Links: link insertion triggered by [[ image: vim link insertion

[Vim] Lines: full text search (light theme) image: vim full text search light


Notesium is primarily tested and supported on Linux, with only preliminary tests performed on macOS and Windows.


Download the latest release for your platform, making sure to give it executable permissions and available in your PATH.

# Example for Linux 64-bit
arch=$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/aarch64/arm64/')
curl -sLO$arch
curl -sLO
sha256sum --check --ignore-missing checksums.txt && rm checksums.txt
chmod +x notesium-linux-$arch
mv notesium-linux-$arch $HOME/.local/bin/notesium
# Example for macOS 64-bit
arch=$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/aarch64/arm64/')
curl -sLO$arch
curl -sLO
shasum -a 256 -c checksums.txt --ignore-missing && rm checksums.txt
chmod +x notesium-darwin-$arch
mv notesium-darwin-$arch $HOME/bin/notesium
# Example for Windows 64-bit (in PowerShell)
$arch = if ($ENV:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") { "amd64" } elseif ($ENV:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "ARM64") { "arm64" } else { throw "Unsupported architecture: $ENV:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" }
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$arch.exe" -OutFile "./notesium-windows-$arch.exe"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "./checksums.txt"
$hash = Get-FileHash -Path "./notesium-windows-$arch.exe" -Algorithm SHA256
$checksums = Get-Content "./checksums.txt"
if ($checksums -match $hash.Hash) { Write-Output "Checksum verified"; Remove-Item "./checksums.txt" } else { Write-Error "Checksum verification failed!" }
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps" -Force
Move-Item -Path "./notesium-windows-$arch.exe" -Destination "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\notesium.exe"

Or build from source.

git clone
cd notesium
./web/app/ all
go build -ldflags "
    -X main.gitversion=$(git describe --tags --long --always --dirty) \
    -X main.buildtime=$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)"
ln -s $(pwd)/notesium $HOME/.local/bin/notesium

Shell completion

Bash completion is available for all notesium commands and option flags. Add the following line to your $HOME/.bashrc or similar location.

command -v notesium >/dev/null && source <(notesium extract completion.bash)


$ notesium help
Usage: notesium COMMAND [OPTIONS]

  home              Print path to notes directory
  new               Print path for a new note
    --verbose       Output key:value pairs of related info
    --ctime=        Use specified ctime instead of now (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
  list              Print list of notes
    --color         Color code prefix using ansi escape sequences
    --labels        Limit list to only label notes (ie. one word title)
    --orphans       Limit list to notes without outgoing or incoming links
    --sort=WORD     Sort list by date or alphabetically (ctime|mtime|alpha)
    --prefix=WORD   Prefix title with date or linked label (ctime|mtime|label)
    --date=FORMAT   Date format for ctime/mtime prefix (default: 2006-01-02)
  links [filename]  Print list of links
    --color         Color code using ansi escape sequences
    --outgoing      Limit list to outgoing links related to filename
    --incoming      Limit list to incoming links related to filename
    --dangling      Limit list to broken links
  lines             Print all lines of notes (ie. fulltext search)
    --color         Color code prefix using ansi escape sequences
    --prefix=title  Prefix each line with note title
    --filter=QUERY  Filter lines by query: AND (space), OR (|), NOT (!)
  stats             Print statistics
    --color         Color code using ansi escape sequences
    --table         Format as table with whitespace delimited columns
  finder            Start finder (interactive filter selection TUI)
    --preview       Display note preview (toggle with ctrl-/)
    --prompt=STR    Set custom prompt text
    -- CMD [OPTS]   Input (default: list --color --prefix=label --sort=alpha)
  web               Start web server
    --webroot=PATH  Path to web root to serve (default: embedded webroot)
    --mount=DIR:URI Additional directory to serve under webroot (experimental)
    --open-browser  Launch default web browser with web server URL
    --stop-on-idle  Automatically stop when no activity is detected
    --port=INT      Port for web server to listen on (default: random)
    --no-check      Disable daily new version checks
    --writable      Allow writing of notes in NOTESIUM_DIR via API
  extract [path]    Print list of embedded files or contents of file path
  version           Print version
    --verbose       Output key:value pairs of related info
    --check         Check if a newer version is available

  NOTESIUM_DIR      Path to notes directory (default: $HOME/notes)


Notesium ships with an embedded web interface which is self contained and runs locally. To allow writing of notes, be sure to specify the --writable flag.

notesium web --writable --open-browser

The web interface stores state and preferences such as editor settings, panel state, start-of-week, and sorting preferences. The state is port-specific, meaning that to retain them across sessions, the same port must be used. For example:

notesium web --writable --open-browser --port=8080



Binding Comment
space n n Open new note for editing
space n d Open new or existing daily note
space n w Open new or existing weekly note
space n l Finder: List with prefixed label, sorted alphabetically
space n m Finder: List with prefixed date modified, sorted by mtime
space n c Finder: List with prefixed date created, sorted by ctime
space n k Finder: Links related to active note (or all if none open)
space n s Finder: Full text search across all notes
space n g Open fullscreen force graph view

Note tabs

Binding Comment
C-h Switch to note tab on the left of the active note tab
C-l Switch to note tab on the right of the active note tab
C-^ C-6 Switch to previously active note tab

For more keybindings see below.


The finder is typically opened using global keybindings or icons in the ribbon, but is also seamlessly integrated throughout the web interface.


Binding Comment
C-p Toggle preview
C-j Select next entry (down)
C-k Select previous entry (up)
Enter Submit selected entry
Esc Dismiss finder

Search syntax

Token Match Type Comment
word exact-match Items that include word
foo bar multiple exact match (AND) Items that include both foo AND bar

Editor modes

Default mode

Mode Binding Comment
none Tab Enter editing mode (focus active note)
all C-s Save note
edit [[ Insert selected note link via Finder (mtime sorted)
edit Alt-k Insert selected note link via Finder (mtime sorted)
edit Shift-Tab Auto-indent current line or selection
edit C-] Indent current line or selection
edit C-[ Dedent current line or selection
edit C-Enter Toggle section fold
edit Esc Exit editing mode (unfocus)

Vim mode

The editor supports Vim mode, which attempts to emulate the most useful features of Vim as faithfully as possible, but is not a complete implementation. It does however feature the following:

  • All common motions and operators, including text objects
  • Operator motion orthogonality
  • Commands for write and quit (:w :wq :q :q!)
  • Visual mode - characterwise, linewise, blockwise
  • Full macro support (q @)
  • Folding support (za zo zc zR zM)
  • Incremental highlighted search (/ ? # * g# g*)
  • Search/replace with confirm (:substitute :%s)
  • Search history
  • Jump lists (C-o C-i)
  • Sort (:sort)
  • Marks (` ')
  • Cross-buffer yank/paste
Mode Binding Comment
none Tab Enter normal mode (focus active note)
all C-s Save note and set normal mode
all C-l C-h C-6 Note tab keybinds passthrough
normal space n <char> Global keybinds passthrough
normal ge gx Open link under cursor
normal z<char> Fold, unfold, toggle sections
insert [[ Insert selected note link via Finder (mtime sorted)
insert Alt-k Insert selected note link via Finder (mtime sorted)
command :set [no]wrap Set line wrapping
command :set [no]conceal Set conceal formatting
command :set [no]fold Set fold gutter

Prefer the real thing? Notesium supports Vim integration.

Table formatting and navigation

The editor will recognize when the cursor is placed within a table structure (identified by lines starting with the | character), and provide formatting and navigation.

  • Automatic table formatting: Pressing Tab not only navigates through the table but also automatically formats it. This includes adjusting cell padding to align text according to the column specifications defined in the header row.
  • Column alignment: The alignment for each column is determined by the syntax used in the header separator row (--- left, :---: center, ---: right).
  • Dynamic column adjustment: If the cursor is at the end of a row and Tab is pressed, a new column will be added. When the cursor is on the header row, pressing Tab ensures the header separator row exists and matches the column count of the header, adjusting as necessary.
  • Concealment support: When concealment is enabled, the formatting logic takes this into account, calculating the maximum length of each column without the concealed text, ensuring a visually consistent table layout.
  • Navigation: Move across table cells and rows with the provided keybindings.
Mode Binding Comment
table Tab Format table and advance column (right)
table Shift-Tab Navigate to previous column (left)
table Alt-Arrow Navigate rows and columns

Section folding

The editor supports section folding, making it easier to view and edit notes, especially longer ones. Folds can be toggled via the Fold gutter or keybindings, which work whether the cursor is on the section heading or anywhere within the section.

The Fold gutter displays chevrons for collapsible sections. Clicking a chevron toggles folding for that section. The Fold gutter can be enabled in Settings:Editor, the Editor Statusbar or the Vim mode command :set [no]fold.

Folded sections are visually distinct, featuring a subtle full-width background, displaying the line count, and unfolding when clicked.

Mode Binding Comment
default C-Enter Toggle section fold
vim-normal za Toggle section fold
vim-normal zc Close section fold
vim-normal zo Open section fold
vim-normal zM Close all section folds
vim-normal zR Open all section folds

Syntax highlighting and concealment

The editor is configured to syntax highlight based on Markdown formatting.

By default, formatting characters such as those used for bold, italic and code will be concealed except on the active-line. In addition, links will also be concealed and only display the title. This setting can be toggled using the icon in the note sidebar.

The following table lists the Markdown syntax of elements that will be formatted and/or syntax highlighted, and indicates whether concealment of the formatting characters is supported.

Syntax Concealment Comment
# heading 1 No If on first line, text after # is considered the note title
## heading 2 No Heading level corresponds to the number of # symbols
*italic text* Yes Italic, _italic_ also supported
**bold text** Yes Bold, __bold__ also supported
***italic and bold*** Yes Italic and bold, ___italic and bold___ also supported
> blockquote No Block quote
- list item No Unordered list
`code` Yes Inline code
```fenced codeblock``` No Fenced code block
~~strikethrough~~ Yes Strikethrough
--- Yes Horizontal rule. Displayed as full-width line when concealed
[link title]( Yes Inline link. Displayed as link title when concealed


Notesium provides a Vim/Neovim plugin that integrates with the Notesium CLI, particularily the finder command providing and interactive filter selection TUI with syntax highlighted preview.


To install the plugin, add the repository to your plugin manager and point its runtime path to the 'vim' directory. For example:

" init.vim or .vimrc
Plug 'alonswartz/notesium', { 'rtp': 'vim' }

-- init.lua
Plug('alonswartz/notesium', { ['rtp'] = 'vim' })


Setting Comment Default
g:notesium_bin Binary name or path notesium
g:notesium_mappings Enable(1) or disable(0) mappings 1
g:notesium_weekstart First day of the week monday
g:notesium_window Finder Default {'width': 0.85, 'height': 0.85}
g:notesium_window_small Finder InsertLink {'width': 0.50, 'height': 0.50}

Note: These settings should be set prior to the plugin being sourced.


Command Comment
:NotesiumNew Open new note for editing
:NotesiumDaily [YYYY-MM-DD] Open new or existing daily note
:NotesiumWeekly [YYYY-MM-DD] Open new or existing weekly note
:NotesiumList [LIST_OPTS] Open finder: list of notes
:NotesiumLines [LINES_OPTS] Open finder: lines of all notes
:NotesiumLinks [LINKS_OPTS] Open finder: links of all notes
:NotesiumLinks! [LINKS_OPTS] Open finder: links of the active note
:NotesiumInsertLink [LIST_OPTS] Open finder: insert selection as markdown link
:NotesiumWeb [WEB_OPTS] Start web server, open browser (stop on idle)

Note: NotesiumWeekly depends on g:notesium_weekstart.


Mode Binding Comment
insert [[ Opens note list, insert selection as markdown formatted link
normal <Leader>nn Opens new note for editing
normal <Leader>nd Opens new or existing daily note
normal <Leader>nw Opens new or existing weekly note
normal <Leader>nl List with prefixed label, sorted alphabetically; mtime if journal
normal <Leader>nm List with prefixed date modified, sorted by mtime
normal <Leader>nc List with prefixed date created (YYYY/WeekXX), sorted by ctime
normal <Leader>nk List all links related to active note (or all if none)
normal <Leader>ns Full text search with prefixed note title
normal <Leader>nW Opens browser with embedded web/app (auto stop webserver on idle)
finder C-j Select next entry (down)
finder C-k Select previous entry (up)
finder C-/ Toggle preview
finder Enter Submit selected entry
finder Esc Dismiss finder
normal ge Open the link under the cursor (vim-markdown)
normal [[ ]] Jump back and forward between headings (vim-markdown)

Finder search syntax

Token Match Type Comment
word exact-match Items that include word
^word prefix exact-match Items that start with word
word$ suffix exact-match Items that end with word
!word inverse exact-match Items that do not include word
!^word inverse prefix exact-match Items that do not start with word
!word$ inverse suffix exact-match Items that do not end with word
foo bar multiple exact match (AND) Items that include both foo AND bar
foo | bar multiple exact match (OR) Items that include either foo OR bar
'sbtrkt fuzzy-match Items that fuzzy match sbtrkt

Related Vim settings

" preservim/vim-markdown
let g:vim_markdown_folding_style_pythonic = 1
let g:vim_markdown_folding_level = 2
let g:vim_markdown_frontmatter = 1
let g:vim_markdown_auto_insert_bullets = 0
let g:vim_markdown_new_list_item_indent = 0
let g:vim_markdown_toc_autofit = 1
let g:vim_markdown_conceal_code_blocks = 0
let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['json', 'sh', 'shell=bash']
hi def link mkdHeading htmlH1

autocmd FileType markdown setlocal conceallevel=2

Custom URI protocol

Notesium does not support handling the custom URI protocol notesium:// itself directly, as this is very dependent on user preference. It is up to the user to write their own script.

Example integration

An example integration can been found in contrib/, which supports opening the notes listing as well as opening a note for editing - in a new urxvt terminal window and neovim instance.

xdg-open notesium:///home/user/notes
xdg-open notesium:///home/user/notes/

For Vim users, opening the listing is useful when integrated with a launcher or desktop keybinding. Opening a note for editing is useful, for example, when using the web/app or web/graph.

Handler registration

To register the x-scheme-handler with the desktop environment, create the file $HOME/.local/share/applications/notesium.desktop with contents similar to the following (don't forget to update the Exec path):

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/github/alonswartz/notesium/contrib/ %u

Design assumptions and rationale

Filenames are 8 hexidecimal digits

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. ~ Phil Karlton

Naming is hard. With regards to notes, common conventions are to use the current date, or note title, or both in concatenated form.

  • Titles: Considering notes evolve, it is likely not to be certain exactly what the note will encompass. And even if it is, having to decide on a title can paralyze or cause cognitive overload prior to writing the content. Existing and future collisions also need to be accounted for. If a better title is thought of later, or the context of the note changes, renaming the file would break existing links.

  • Dates: The current timestamp seems like a good choice, but depending on the format used, it could result in overly long filenames, especially considering the uniqueness requirement. Additionally, timezones and daylight saving could result in collisions and interfere with sorting.

Notesium addresses this by using the UNIX epoch time, and further encoding it in hexidecimal, resulting in 8 characters for the identifier (e.g., This can later be easily decoded and formatted depending on the use case.

The .md extension is required so external tools can easily identify the filetype for syntax highlighting, as well as limit the processing of files by the parser.

Completely flat directory structure

It is better to prefer associative ontologies to hierarchical taxonomies.

Folders are often thought of as categories, but notes don't always fit neatly into just one category, which could result in decision paralysis when creating a new note, and can prematurely constrain what may emerge.

Links would also be broken when renaming a folder or moving a note from one folder to another.

Notesium assumes a flat directory structure, having all notes be siblings to one another, in one directory. Utilizing bi-directional links allows for the structure to emerge over time. Additionally, the label convention allows for a meta-hierarchical taxonomy to be created which can be useful in certain circumstances.

Titles are inferred from the first line

Note titles are like APIs, and when titled well they become an abstraction.

Notesium assumes note titles are on the first line of the note, in markdown H1 format, for example: # this is the title of a note.

Notes with one-word titles are considered labels

Even though tags are an ineffective association structure, Notesium supports the concept of labels, but there is no special label syntax. Instead, a label is just a regular note, and only considered a label if its title is one-word.

This becomes useful, for example, when issuing the following list command, each note title will be prefixed with its associated label (multiple times for each associated label), color coded, and sorted alphabetically, effectively creating a hierarchical taxonomy listing, which can further be filtered and searched.

notesium list --prefix=label --sort=alpha --color

Links are inline

Notes should be densely linked, allowing for structure to emerge organically, and may even help you see unexpected connections which may surprise you.

Notesium assumes note links use the inline markdown syntax, for example: [link text]( This makes it easier to parse, and simple to insert links with a keybinding.

Even though links are short, for an improved reading experience in Vim consider enabling conceallevel (see Related Vim settings). This is implemented in the web app and enabled by default.

Deterministic periodic notes convention

Notesium itself does not directly support periodic notes, instead the embedded Web app and Vim integration support daily and weekly notes using a creation-time convention (00:00:00 for daily and 00:00:01 on the first day of the week for weekly).

This convention results in deterministic, unique filenames, enabling instant identification of a specific periodic note, without the need for manual organization or special formatting - eliminating overhead and the need to search the entire notes directory for keywords or regular expressions.

Additionally, past and future periodic notes can also be created using this convention while retaining chronological order.

$ notesium new --ctime=2024-07-04T00:00:00

$ notesium list --sort=ctime --prefix=ctime --date=15:04:05 | grep 00:00:00 00:00:00 Jul 04, 2024 (Thursday) 00:00:00 Jul 01, 2024 (Monday) 00:00:00 Jun 30, 2024 (Sunday)


Versions are specified using git tags, based on semantic versioning, and use the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. While the MAJOR version is 0, MINOR version bumps are considered MAJOR bumps per the semver spec.

Regression tests

Test suites for all commands and their options (except for --color) are included in the tests/ directory, along with fixtures acting as a notes corpus. The tests are dependent on bats-core.

Some tests are dependent on the modification datetime of the notes (sorting and prefixing), in which case the test suite will duplicate the corpus to a temporary directory and modify the mtime deterministically.

These test suites can be paused prior to teardown for manual inspection and additional testing by setting the PAUSE environmental variable.

# run all test suites
bats tests

# run a specific test suite
bats tests/list.bats

# run a subset of tests within a specific test suite
bats tests/list.bats --filter "mtime"

# run a specific test suite, but pause prior to teardown (--tap recommended)
PAUSE=y bats tests/list.bats --tap

Inspiration and thanks

  • Niklas Luhmann: Zettelkasten method.
  • Andy Matuschak: Insightful notes.
  • Sonke Ahrens: How to take smart notes (book).
  • Junegunn Choi: Fzf and Vim plugins.
  • The people behind Vim and Neovim.
  • The people behind VueJS, Codemirror, TailwindCSS and D3.js.
  • Projects such as Obsidian, Logseq, Roam Research, and countless others...


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Alon Swartz