Build an ECS cluster with EC2 capacity provider behind an Application Load Balancer.
Creates a dedicated VPC to run the EC2 workload.
VPC subnets, ecs task container details, autoscaling group and task autoscaling are configurable.
Project name(project_name) and key pair name(ec2_key_pair) are required input variables. See
for optional input variables.
- Need to create S3 bucket and Dynamodb table for S3 backend.
- Route53 DNS zone should be present on AWS if custom domain is required. In that case both DNS zone name (app_route53_zone) and FQDN for the application (app_fqdn) should be provided within the alb input variable.
Create the config.s3.tfbackend
file based on the example file providing S3 remote backend details for storing state.
Provide backend configuration on the init command.
terraform init -backend-config=config.s3.backend
Optionally check terraform.tfvars.example for input variables.