hsm-analyze is a tool based on Clang LibTooling that analyzes C++ code that makes use of the HSM library. It can be used to:
- Provide useful information about potential problems with a given state machine
- Output graphs of state machines (e.g. GraphViz dot files)
These instructions are for Windows. For Linux or Mac, follow instructions for how to build hsm-analyze (below) and adapt as necessary.
Download the latest version of hsm-analyze.
Install a distribution of LLVM that matches the LLVM version that was used to build hsm-analyze from here (recommended) or here.
Copy the single hsm-analyze executable to your LLVM/bin directory (e.g.
C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin
). This is required for most LibTooling-based tools to access Clang's C++ standard headers. -
Install GraphViz to render state machines graphs.
Like all Clang tools based on LibTooling, you can pass compilation arguments to hsm-analyze via command line following a double-dash ("--"), or by using a compilation database (read about how to generate and use a compilation database here).
Here's an example of how to output a GraphViz dot file from a cpp file:
hsm-analyze -dot c:\code\hsm\samples\hsm_book_samples\source\ch4\reusable_states.cpp -- -Ic:\code\hsm\include > reusable_states.dot
which produces the following dot file contents:
strict digraph G {
CharacterStates__Alive -> CharacterStates__Stand [style="bold", weight="1", color="black"]
CharacterStates__Attack -> CharacterStates__Stand [style="dotted", weight="50", color="black", dir="both"]
CharacterStates__Attack -> CharacterStates__PlayAnim [style="bold", weight="1", color="black"]
CharacterStates__PlayAnim -> CharacterStates__PlayAnim_Done [style="dotted", weight="50", color="black"]
CharacterStates__PlayAnim -> CharacterStates__PlayAnim [style="dotted", weight="50", color="black", dir="both"]
subgraph cluster_CharacterStates { label = "CharacterStates"; labeljust=left;
subgraph {
rank=same // depth=0
CharacterStates__Alive [label="Alive", fontcolor=white, style=filled, color="0.033617 0.500000 0.250000"]
subgraph cluster_CharacterStates { label = "CharacterStates"; labeljust=left;
subgraph {
rank=same // depth=1
CharacterStates__Attack [label="Attack", fontcolor=white, style=filled, color="0.033617 0.500000 0.475000"]
CharacterStates__Stand [label="Stand", fontcolor=white, style=filled, color="0.033617 0.500000 0.475000"]
subgraph cluster_CharacterStates { label = "CharacterStates"; labeljust=left;
subgraph {
rank=same // depth=2
CharacterStates__PlayAnim [label="PlayAnim", fontcolor=white, style=filled, color="0.033617 0.500000 0.700000"]
CharacterStates__PlayAnim_Done [label="PlayAnim_Done", fontcolor=white, style=filled, color="0.033617 0.500000 0.700000"]
To render it with GraphViz:
dot -Tpng -o reusable_states.png reusable_states.dot
which produces the following png:
On Windows:
Download and install the a binary distribution of ClangOnWin. NOTE: At the time of this writing, hsm-analyze successfully builds with VS2015 and VS2017 against LLVM-4.0.0svn-r277264-require-python35dll-win64 and LLVM-5.0.0svn-r302983-win64.
Assuming you've installed it to the default location, C:\Program Files\LLVM, here's how you'd build hsm-analyze with Visual Studio 2015:
git clone https://github.com/amaiorano/hsm-analyze.git
cd hsm-analyze
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\Program Files\LLVM\lib\cmake" -DUSE_RELEASE_LIBS_IN_DEBUG=On ..
is needed to build hsm-analyze in the Debug configuration against the ClangOnWin libraries since ClangOnWin does not include Debug libs.
NOTE: If the LLVM/Clang libs you want to link against use the MSVC CRT static libraries (rather than DLLs), you can enable the CMake variable USE_STATIC_CRT
- Open the generated sln and build