pip install pipenv
pipenv install
cd ./frontend
npm install
python makemigrations
python migrate
t0: python runserver
t1: cd ./frontend
t1: npm run dev
- This project is a room based app in which host can CREATE the room. For which he will have to Authenticate with their Spotify account.
- Each room is UNIQUELY identified by its room code - A 6 character UNIQUE CODE.
- Other users can join the room by Room Code after Authenticating from their Spotify account.
- If host leaves room, Room is destroyed.
- Host can update how many votes required to skip the song.
- Host has PLAYBACK CONTROLS (PLAY/PAUSE/SKIP) for the room. However he must have premium spotify account to do this as per Spotify documentation.
- Every other users can see the song whhich is being played (ALBUM COVER, TITLE, ARTIST, PROGRESS)
- It uses Django, DjangoRestFrameWork, React, Material UI, Webpack to bundle React files into a single js file.
- Django app is based on MVT (Model-View-Template) pattern
- Don't foregt to create your own spotify developer account and replace credentials in ./spotify/ file.
- For redirect URI put [{YOUR_LOCAL_HOST_URL} or {YOUR_PRODUCTION_APP_URL}]/spotify/redirect this should be also added into your created app in spotify dhashboard in your app settings.
- Spotify API doesn't allow playback controls (PLAY/PAUSE/SKIP/SEEK) from API endpoint unless that user has premium account. So keep that in mind while runnig the application.