This boilerplate creates one program that runs one prefill kernel, with tensors dumped from flashinfer indected as input after loading from disk, and final result can be compared with reference. The idea is to have cuda code built and linked via nvcc and host/app code built with g++. We're using the separate compilation mode with nvcc, so the Makefile has an extra step that links the cuda code. The host linker will link the object(s) created by nvcc.
Currently testing on a GTX 960 (Nvidia compute level 5.2).
Although, the compute value can be adjusted by NVCC_FLAGS
in the Makefile.
GNU Make, g++.
You need graphics drivers for your Nvidia chipset, the Nvidia sdk, nvcc.
It works with GNU Make. Do a make && ./build/program
This project, cuda-boilerplate
by Alexander Ressler,
is licensed under the MIT license.