Minimal instructions to run as of 30.05.2016:
export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/
source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/
rcSetup Base,2.3.49 # these three steps need to be done in every fresh start
kinit $USER@CERN.CH # Given $USER and lxplus accounts match, to avoid typing password everytime
svn co svn+ssh:// StopPolarization
git clone
rc find_packages
rc compile
Three analyses are defined: {runEwk2LTruth, runStop2LTruth, runStrongSS3LTruth} change $exec as needed below:
$exec -i input_dir -o output_dir --options # for each available option do $exec -h
input_dir has the input DAOD_TRUTH files.
If output trees are requested (default in some cases), these will appear under output_dir/data-myOutput/.
These trees can be analyzed simply in ROOT.
There are some macros under macros/ folder that might simplify this step.