A ROS package providing scripts for teleoperation using keyboard, sockets and command line.
The package is compatible with any robot using ROS ecosystem, but is originally implemented for Adept MobileRobots Pioneer and Pioneer-compatible robots (Including Pioneer 2, Pioneer 3, Pioneer LX, AmigoBot, PeopleBot, PatrolBot, PowerBot, Seekur and Seekur Jr.).
In case you have a different robot, please read "What if my robot is not Pionner-compatible?" section
Note: This package have not yet been tested on ROS Kinetic Kame
You need first to get and install pioneer_bringup package, which is available at:
Download or clone this repository in your caktin workspace:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/amineHorseman/pioneer_teleop.git
$ rosdep install pioneer_teleop
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/pioneer_teleop/nodes
$ sudo chmod +x *.py
##Teleop Modes
In this package, there are three different ways of teleoperation:
$ roslaunch pioneer_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch
You will have to control the robot motors using keyboard arrows, use + and - to increase or decrease the speed, and s to stop
A different version of keyboard teleoperation is also available using this command:
$ roslaunch pioneer_teleop discrete_keyboard_teleop.launch
In this case, the robot moves only for a small period of time (1.5 seconds by default) and then stops.
Controls the robot remotely throught socket commands (especially if you want to move the robot using a web interface via internet/LAN).
$ roslaunch pionner_teleop socket_teleop.launch
The expected commands are "forward", "backward", "left" and "right"
By default, the script listens to port 50001, and the robot moves only for 1.5 seconds. To change these parameters, you can use extra arguments as mentionned bellow:
$ roslaunch pionner_teleop socket_teleop.launch _port:=12345 _speed:=0.3 _move_time:=2.0
Useful if you want to move the robot using command line throught a terminal or ssh
$ roslaunch pionner_teleop socket_commandline.launch _direction:=forward
The expected commands (_direction argument) are "forward", "backward", "left" and "right"
By default, the robot moves only for 1.5 seconds at 0.2 speed. To change these parameters, you can use extra arguments as mentionned bellow:
$ roslaunch pionner_teleop socket_teleop.launch _direction:=backward _speed:=0.3 _move_time:=2.0
This package is compatible with any robot using ROS as long as:
- The velocity commands are published in /cmd_vel topic (see the next section).
- You modify the .launch scripts to remove the pionner_bringup call, or you execute directly the python scripts located in /nodes folder.
By default, the scripts publish velocity commands to /cmd_vel topic.
In case your velocity commands topic has a different name, or you are not using Pionner-compatible robots, you will have to remap your velocity topic to /cmd_vel or change the topic name in the python scripts in /nodes folder
Please report any problem in the issues panel
Feel free to contribute to this repository
- Test package in Ros Kinetic Kame
- Add joystick_teleop mode
- Add xbox360_teleop mode
- Add web page example to use it with socket_teleop