This project addresses the problem mentioned here. A proof of concept for any location-based service (LBS) which needs to manage prices dynamically based on supply/demand relation.
In a ride-hailing system, based on changes in demand rate, prices should be able to fluctuate as incentives to cover market requirements.
A very first solution is to count requests per municipal districts, obtained from each request's origin-point. So, there should be a system which has geo-data and gets districtNo based on point. Demand values per district must be checked against a reference table to change coefficients in realtime, if thresholds met.
- Go programming language
- gokit A toolkit for microservices in Go
- RESTful API & gRPC + protobuf for communications
- MongoDB for CRUD & geospatial queries
- Redis for caching
- NATS as messaging system
- Docker & Compose for containerization & orchestration
- Nginx as HTTP-server & traffic mirroring tool
- RP: A reverse-proxy able to make mirrored(shadowed) traffic & pass it to some additional backend
- MQ: A message queue with fast pub/sub support
- Cache: An in-memory address/db, remotely accessible to multiple clients
- Mediator: Service which accepts HTTP traffics and puts them into the MQ
- CoreSystem(CrS): The main service responsible to respond users requests & calculate trip price based on the most recent data received from surge-supervisor
- SurgeSupervisor(SrS): Service that monitors demand rates in realtime & informs new # coefficients to core-system if any changes happen to its value
- MapServices(MpS): Service responsible for geo queries including the mapping of any point(x, y) to district-number
Components orchestration as shown in the image below:
The sequence diagram below shows flows in the system:
- requestclient
- RP accepts a user request & passes the traffic to both CrS & SrS via requestmain & requestmirror respectively.
- requestmain
- CrS accepts request & asks MpS which district the request's origin point belongs to.
- CrS queries its cache for the coefficient value of the district number.
- CrS calculates price, and returns the results to RP.
- requestmirror
- Mediator accepts request & pushes it into the MQ asap.
- SrS pulls request data from MQ & asks MpS which district the request's origin point belongs to.
- SrS inserts a record into its DB for the district number plus timestamp.
- SrS counts DB records for the district number during a specific time-window and calculates coefficient value.
- SrS informs CrS in case of any fluctuations in coefficient value based on its previously cached value; And when receives ack response, updates its cache based on new calculated value.