This repo contains my work setup guid and dot files to save my time and standardize and automize my work setup and workflow.
First of all I have installed the manjaro i3 edition and on top of that installed kde desktop.
For window decoration the best theme was:
"Mojave Dark Aurorae"
best latte layour:
In the future ...
1. using oh-my-bash for bash setup. nicer and simpler.
2. use bellow repository for xxh:
using xxh instead of ssh, you can have the fancy features of oh-my-bash
, oh-my-zsh and ... over the ssh session.
3. usefull addresses for automatically generate .gitignore files for
your project. you need to install the command line function in your
shell configuration:
4. installation git-flow(avh is in arch linux). bellow addresses are related
to installation and workflow of gitflow and tutorial of how to use it:
5. installation of github-flow. bellow addresses are repository and tutorial
about how this workflow works:
note that I used the repository command to install it but I don't know
why it does not work. actually I had not the command-line and I did not
know where is the sources or things related to it. so I cloned it and
and have ran the install script preceding by sudo and it caused some npm
installations. after that I copied the commands lines from the repository
bin directory to '/usr/bin/'. so now I think(I have not tested on a
repository yet, but commands are existed on shell.) I can use it.
6. I have added settings to '.tmux.conf' file for having 4 key-binds to
navigate through tmux panes like we navigate in vim. actully using prefix
key and <Ctrl-hjkl>.
I have installed colorls from AUR repositories and dracula (modified it as my favorites) from "". adding some aliases for using it in the .zshrc and .bashrc files. also i added the vimium dracula theme from dracula official website. -TODO: in the not very near future(i spend too much time on config my stuffs.) i will replace i3lock with a better option like i3lock-color which as I think has the ability for customize its colors.