Reliable multithreaded TCP port scanner.
This scanner will enumerate the target host's port. The scanner will call connect(2) to the target host with the port start from port 1 to 65535.
If the scanner gets ECONNREFUSED
then, we assume that the target port is not behind the firewalled environment, in the general case, this condition occurs when there is no service that binds to such port.
If the scanner gets EINPROGRESS
then, it means the scanner has reached its time limit (can be set in parameter). In the general case, this condition occurs when the target host is dropping our packet, so we assume that the port is behind a firewalled environment.
git clone;
cd tcp-port-scanner;
Usage: ./scanner [options]
-t|--threads <num> Number of threads (default: 8)
-h|--host <host> Target host (IPv4)
-v|--verbose Verbose output (use more -v to increase verbose level)
-r|--recv-timeout recv(2) timeout (default: 5)
-s|--send-timeout send(2) timeout, this affects connect(2) too (default: 5)
# It will create directory with name "reports/"
./scanner -h -t 4 -r 10 -s 10 -vvv
# Check the reports
cat reports/ | sort;
The software is licensed under the MIT license.