Half module 1 project of the Adalab Digital Frontend Development Bootcamp.
This is a responsive landing page developed with and
Project URL is available on GitHub Pages.
Instructions to start this project:
- Clone repository:
git clone [repository]
- Run project on local server with VSCode live server plugin.
- HTML semantic elements
- Fixed header with a logo and a inline navigation menu
- Main section with a background color and centered title
- Responsive web design for mobile and tablet/desktop devices
- Rubik typography and defined colors palette
Adalab Landing Page
├── images
│ ├── adalab-logo-155x61.png
│ ├── landing_desktop.png
│ ├── landing_mobile.png
│ └── landing_tablet.png
├── styles
│ └── main.css
├── index.html
└── README.md