Memories Card APP is a MERN web application , which is mobile-responsive also, as I told I mainly used mongoDB , Express , ReactJS , NodeJS for building it.
- Completely functionable website
- Responsive
- ✨Build while studying MERN
- You can add cards with heading,photos,details,hashtags.
- You can modify exsisting cards.
- You can like the cards.
- You can create new cards
- You can delete existing cards
It is a very basic web app.
memoriesCard web app mainly use:
- ReactJS
- MongoDB
- Express
- NodeJS
- matirel UI
memoriesCard web app requires Node.js v10+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies.
- Open two terminal or split terminal in project folder
- Need to create a .env file inside server folder and a the details by just looking the example file env.example file uploaded here(need to make a mongodb database and need to add in it).
- then go back to terminal
#In 1st terminal
cd server
npm i
npm start
#In 2nd terminal
cd client
npm i
npm start
After this your server will be running in port 5000 and frontend will be running in port 3000.
Want to contribute? Great !!!!
I always welcome contributions.First you need to make an issue and then we can talk and do.
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