git clone
cd profile-summary-for-github
mvn install
java -jar target/profile-summary-for-github-jar-with-dependencies.jar
If no api-token is set, you only get ~50 requests/hour
To run the app with an api-token, first generate a token at, then launch the jar with the token:
java -Dapi-tokens=your-token -jar target/profile-summary-for-github-jar-with-dependencies.jar
You can use a comma-separated list of tokens to increase your rate-limit
You can build a profile summary for any GitHub profile using -Dunrestricted=true
java -Dunrestricted=true -jar target/profile-summary-for-github-jar-with-dependencies.jar
You can set when the app should require user-starring by passing free-requests-cutoff
Passing 1000 will require the app to require starring if there are less than 1000 requests left:
java -Dfree-requests-cutoff=1000 -jar target/profile-summary-for-github-jar-with-dependencies.jar
You can enable Google Tag Manager on your instance by setting gtm-id
java -Dgtm-id=GTM-XXXXXX -jar target/profile-summary-for-github-jar-with-dependencies.jar
git clone
cd profile-summary-for-github
docker build -t profile-summary-for-github .
docker run -it --rm --name profile-summary-for-github -p 7070:7070 profile-summary-for-github
- OR with a token
docker run -it --rm --name profile-summary-for-github -p 7070:7070 -e "API_TOKENS=mytoken1,mytoken2" profile-summary-for-github
- browse to http://localhost:7070