The aim of this project is to:
- Use Google trends API to collect trend
- Build a forecasting model on the direction of trends based on API request
- from gtrends API
First create a dedicated virtual environment:
First create a dedicated virtual environment and activate it with python:
python3 -m venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate
Activate your venv in jupyter notebook
pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name $1 --display-name "Python $PROJECT_NAME"
pip install -U jupyter
pip install -r requirements.txt
Customer segmentation has the following structure:
├── bin/
│ ├──model.pickle
├── data/
│ ├──keywords_gtrends.txt
├── outputs/
│ ├──gtrends_colected.csv
├── notebooks/
│ ├──dataprep.ipynb
│ ├──forecasting_prophet.ipynb
│ ├──forecasting_catboost.ipynb
├── src/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
├── tests/
│ ├──tests.ipynb