Json auto-parsing for Swift.
For using the JsonParser and JsonWriter classes you just need to declare your swift classes where all the properties are @objc dynamic
and the class MUST extend from NSObject
Other thing is that Obj-c
representable objects may be optional, but non Obj-c
representable objects MUST be defined non optional.
The @objc dynamic
diretive will obligate you to define it right in swift <=3.x, but in swift 4.x only @objc
is required.
Example of the implementation for converting objects to string.
import Swift_Json // very important
class Employee: NSObject {
@objc fileprivate(set) dynamic var name: String?
@objc fileprivate(set) dynamic var age: Int = 0
class Boss: Employee {
@objc fileprivate(set) dynamic var employees: [Employee]?
let employee1: Employee = Employee()
employee1.name = "John Apple Juice"
employee1.age = 35
let boss: Boss = Boss()
boss.name = "Steve James Apple Orange Juice"
boss.age = 65
let writer = JsonWriter()
let jsonString: String = writer.write(boss)
Example of the implementation for converting string to objects. Obs: Using the same classes from above.
let jsonString: String = // json string
let parser = JsonParser()
let boss: Boss = parser.parse(string: jsonString)
assert(boss.name == "Steve James Apple Orange Juice")
assert(boss.age == 65)
assert(boss.employees![0].name == "John Apple Juice")
assert(boss.employees![0].age == 35)
Usually, the web use the snake_case pattern to name the properties, while Swift uses the camelCase pattern. Its possible to make the JsonWriter/JsonParser automatically do this conversion by passing a JsonConfig object, with a functional CasePatternConverter associated, in the write/parse operation. The Swift.Json lib provides you with two implementations for CasePatternConverter: CamelCaseConverter and SnakeCaseConverter. Obs: Using the same classes from above.
class Programmer: Employee {
@objc private(set) dynamic var coffeeLevel: Int = 0
let jsonString: String = // json string with snake_case naming convention (ex: "coffee_level")
let config = JsonConfig()
config.casePatternConverter = SnakeCaseConverter()
//Parsing: convert the json's "coffee_level" to programmers's "coffeeLevel".
let programmer: Programmer = JsonParser().parse(string: jsonString, withConfig:config)
//Writing: convert the programmers's "coffeeLevel" to json's "coffee_level"
let programmerJsonString: String = JsonWriter().write(anyObject: programmer, withConfig: config)
Any doubts, post an issue or create a pull request. Pull requests are welcome. Thanks.