An app made to help find recipes and break them down in easy to follow steps.
Created an app to view video recipes that incorporated media loading, verifying user interfaces with UI tests, integrated third party libraries and provided a complete UX with home screen widget.
The basic features of this app are:
- Displays a scrolling grid of recipes, organized in card views
- Once a recipe has been chosen, clicking on it displays a list of steps
- The steps are also displayed in a scrolling list;
- Once a step is chosen, another fragment displays the details on how to do it, including a video if available;
- On tablet devices, navigation is made simple by following the Master-Detail flow design.
People who are interested in culinary, and in doing it in a simple and effective manner.
- Intents
- Fragments
- Parceables
- Home screen widget
- Media Handling
- Photos and Videos
- Android UI fundamentals
- Tablet layout
- Preserving the user experience on state changes
- Material Design
- NestedScrollViews, CoordinatorLayout, FloatingActionButtons, etc.