University of Turin, master thesis in computer science.
This project introduces the Lean formalization of SCORE, a minimal reversible programming language designed as a reversible adaptation of Meyer and Ritchie's LOOP language. SCORE can be understood as an extension of Matos' SRL language with native support for stacks. The language is reversible, meaning that for every program, it is possible to compute the inverse program using a syntax-directed inversion function. The operational semantics of the language is defined through an interpreter and its invertibility property is proved. Additionally, the project provides a formal proof that two compilers, one a generalization of the other, transform any LOOP program into an equivalent SCORE program.
The full documentation of the project can be read here
and is generated automatically from the source .lean
After downloading the project, run
lake update
to download/update all the dependecies.
To build the project run
lake build
To build the executable run
lake build l2s
To build the documentation run:
lake build MasterThesis:docs
The root of the built docs will be .lake/build/doc/index.html
The command line version currently doesn't work on Windows due to a known issue with lake.
To execute the compiler from the command line run:
lake exe l2s -o <output_file> <input_file>
or directly, after building the executable:
cd .lake\build\bin
.\l2s -o <output_file> <input_file>