Ansible Roles to install Greenplum Database
There are a few predefined roles, they can be selected in install-host.yml.
The makefile offers to install all prerequisites on a host - only use this functionality in a trusted network! It will accept any ssh key without asking for further confirmation!
Best start with this Ansible base repository and link the gpdb-ansible roles as new roles in the roles/ directory.
git clone greenplum-database
git clone greenplum-database/roles/epel
git clone gpdb-ansible
for i in `cd gpdb-ansible/roles && ls`; do ln -s ../../gpdb-ansible/roles/$i greenplum-database/roles/$i; done
And add the new(s) role in install-host.yml, after the common role:
- hosts: all
become: yes
- common
- gpdb4
Finally initialize the build host, using:
make install
The Greenplum Database version 4 information are in roles/gpdb4/vars/main.yml. Changing the version information will attempt an upgrade of the software. Always run a backup of your data first!