Script to monitor the SAP upgrade (whenever SUM is waiting for input). Usage:
cscript checkSUM.vbs -file|-f <path\upalert.log> [-smtp "SMTP server"> -to|-t "semicolon separated e-mail addresses" -from "e-mail address"] [-verbose|-v] without the quotation marks...
checkSUM.vbs [-help|-?]
The file parameter is the upalert.log that is created whenever SUM stops waiting for input. For example, X:\usr\sap\SUM\abap\tmp\upalert.log
A log called X:\usr\sap\SUM\abap\tmp\upalert.log.TXT is created with all the stops and starts. Example:
SUM stopped;18-05-2016 10:45:10
SUM running;18-05-2016 10:45:46
SUM stopped;18-05-2016 10:47:27
SUM running;18-05-2016 10:54:39
SUM stopped;18-05-2016 14:51:49
This script should run at certain intervals in background.
To avoid a command prompt window from showing up, the attached script runHidden.vbs can be used.