This is my personal ATTiny project base template — basically, just a makefile that invokes avr-gcc, avrdude, etc.
For target information: make help
# vars: Print relevant environment vars
# help: Print this makefile help menu
# clean: Clean build artifacts
# compile: Compile project ($(UNIT) $(HEADERS))
# link: Link compilation artifacts and package for upload (compile)
# upload: Upload (NOTE: USBDEVICE must be set) (link)
# fuses: Flash the fuses
# check-fuses: Verify device signature and check fuse values
# Usage:
# make \
# USBDEVICE=/dev/cu.usbserial-1234 \
# UNIT=my_source.c \
# DEVICE=<mcu> \
# <make target>
# Example:
USBDEVICE=/dev/cu.usbserial-1234 \
AVRDUDE_OPTS="-C/path/to/avrdude.conf" \
make upload
For other environment variables/settings, see: make vars
For help, see: make help