Welcome to the cloutcli project.
This repo slowly moving over to:
7 Minute Video Talk About This Project
There WAS a bounty for how to fix our tx signing to not need javascript. It was claimed by https://stackoverflow.com/users/589259/maarten-bodewes thanks!
To understand the code start with the big if else in main.go for each menu option. Many things are still in the package main
but slowly moving into various packages.
they own your coin is a blog article I wrote about bc in general.
Everything cloutcli stores on your local drive it stores in ~/clout-cli-data
so when you want to remove everything just run:
$ rm -rf ~/clout-cli-data
And any secret you entered has been deleted.
$ ./clout login
~/clout-cli $ ./clout login
Enter mnenomic: lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit aenean ac mauris sit
Secret stored at: /Users/andrewarrow/clout-cli-data/secrets.txt
$ ./clout login
~/clout-cli $ ./clout login
Enter mnenomic: these are twelve different words from the words above this line done
Secret stored at: /Users/andrewarrow/clout-cli-data/secrets.txt
Each time you login the words are appened to that secrets.txt
$ ./clout accounts
To select account, run `clout account [username]`
When I run the accounts
command I see all my logged in accounts.
export CLOUT_PHRASE='these are some nice words and stuff.'
If you set a CLOUT_PHRASE
you can run ./clout backup
place your secrets.txt file with ALL your words into a encrypted file
that can only be read with your CLOUT_PHRASE.
Backup this one file, and it can get you into all your accounts.
If you don't have gcc installed install it first.
Then run go mod vendor
and then go build
See this blog post.
sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" sudo dnf install g++ sudo dnf install bzr sudo dnf install gtk3-devel sudo dnf install webkit2gtk3-devel.x86_64 sudo dnf install ImageMagick
~/clout-cli $ ./clout
clout accounts # list your various accounts
clout backup # encrypt and copy secrets
clout balances # list available $bitclout
clout boards # list boards you are on
clout buy # buy creator coin
clout diamond [username] # award 1 diamond to last post
clout follow [username] # toggle follow
clout followers # who follows you
clout following # who you follow
clout help # this menu
clout like --hash=x # like a post
clout ls # list global posts
clout ls --follow # filter by follow
clout ls --hash=x # show single post
clout login # enter secret phrase
clout logout # delete secret from drive
clout messages # list messages
clout notifications # list notifications
clout post --reply=x # post or reply
clout reclout [username] # reclout last post
clout sync # fill local hard drive with data
clout update # update profile description
clout wallet # list what you own
clout whoami # base58 pubkey logged in
clout [username] # username's profile & posts
~/clout-cli $ ./clout ls --body
hash username body
---- -------- ----
b7cded5 MemeGod Where are those people now? Probably buying BitClo
0d10064 RajLahoti We just on-boarded the photographer here at #Clout
98da010 InURfeelz2 How are you going to celebrate the deflation bomb
28a5805 HIKIMBERLY Deflation Bomb countdown
76af117 VishalGulia Lmao 😂🤣
6b51d65 thorsten 🧐 I foresee a huge increase of sightings of the
34c30e2 BitCloutBuffett @diamondhands walking around Miami tonight..
6bf58b3 DeflationBomb Top 20 before 💣 detonation? We have until appro
dc9873c YasminBcreative I can’t get over how clear the water in Portugue
3ef8b62 Yellowredsparks Is it just me or are your parents using more emoji
ec2430c MemeGod This is the moment we've all been waiting for! Get
9a9de37 pamelaanderson It's amazing that we get to witness this first han
c36f4db NotInMiami Something for those of us #NotInMiami
8d3d91a Klesh Keep Calm and Carry On!
0539682 tijn Bomb Block: 33783 Current Block: 31113 To go: 2670
08659a4 connormitchell wow you get on a plane to Miami and suddenly there
067d4f5 Tetono Bitclout Deflation 💣 The total supply currentl
a21b9e9 Abhiandnow This is going to bring so many changes to the scen
447e613 nigeleccles Release the bomb!
84f51d1 Tetono I see this as 📈
2ba1aac CloutStreetBets We knew this was all going to happen. Time to 🚀
d3f5bd3 Mirina Change is coming! I don't quite understand what.
~/clout-cli $ ./clout ls
username ago likes replies reclouts cap hash
-------- --- ----- ------- -------- ------- -------
MemeGod 13 minutes 12 5 0 77.82 b7cded5
RajLahoti 14 minutes 33 5 2 5058.26 0d10064
InURfeelz2 15 minutes 5 3 0 34.50 98da010
HIKIMBERLY 16 minutes 5 1 1 123.22 28a5805
VishalGulia 17 minutes 8 2 1 14.39 76af117
thorsten 17 minutes 6 1 0 80.09 6b51d65
BitCloutBuffett 19 minutes 15 5 0 1290.88 34c30e2
DeflationBomb 28 minutes 10 6 1 163.06 6bf58b3
YasminBcreative 28 minutes 16 5 1 20.46 dc9873c
Yellowredsparks 31 minutes 14 6 0 37.78 3ef8b62
MemeGod 35 minutes 24 10 14 77.82 ec2430c
pamelaanderson 36 minutes 33 10 4 3361.05 9a9de37
NotInMiami 37 minutes 9 0 0 2.56 c36f4db
Klesh 42 minutes 17 3 2 48.31 8d3d91a
tijn 42 minutes 15 6 0 572.18 0539682
connormitchell 42 minutes 14 2 0 981.33 08659a4
Tetono about 1 hour 14 5 5 120.07 067d4f5
Abhiandnow about 1 hour 11 2 1 9.23 a21b9e9
nigeleccles about 1 hour 22 6 2 595.68 447e613
Tetono about 1 hour 15 5 0 120.07 84f51d1
CloutStreetBets about 1 hour 20 4 0 54.23 2ba1aac
Mirina about 1 hour 20 9 1 25.00 d3f5bd3
~/clout-cli $ ./clout accounts
01. andrewarrow
02. cloutcli
03. cloutfactory
04. wolfschedule
05. imitate
To select account, run `clout account [username or i]`
clout-cli $ ./clout diamondhands
0 Sounds awesome. Quintuple 💎💎💎💎💎 from me for the first person who does this.
3 days
0 Today, we take the decentralization of social media further than any other project has in the past.
2 Today, BitClout does to social media what Bitcoin is doing to the traditional financial system.
4 Today, 100% of the BitClout code goes public.
6 https://github.com/bitclout/core
4 days
0 The more feedback you give us, the better the product gets. And the shipping never stops, not even on a beautiful sunny Saturday.
2 Click to learn about some important upgrades to your Wallet and Creator Coin pages that we hope will promote HODLing and minimize scams. 👇
13 days