JavaScript client for biodome
The biodome-client is how any services wishing to utilise the biodome server do so. Services include device scheduling, environment compensation, logging, UI client / control panel, emergency notification system, etc.
var biodomeClient = require('biodome-client');
var conf = {
'host' : 'localhost:8888'
var client = biodomeClient(conf);
// sending commands to biodome server
// Will attempt to fetch and store a JWT token if it doesn't already have a valid one'outside_temp')
.then(function(data) {
// data is JSON data for endpoint with ID of "temperature"
}).catch(function(err) {
// oh. that's unfortunate.
// write HIGH to endpoint with an ID of "light"
client.write('light', 1)
.then(function(data) { ... });
// ...or you can use more complex selectors as first param{ 'type' : 'temperature' })
.then(function(data) {
// data is all JSON of matching endpoints
// ...or call with your own command object
'selector' : {'type' : 'lights', 'value' : 1 },
'instruction' : {'type' : 'write', 'value' : 0 }
}).then(function(endpoints)) {
// endpoints is JSON data of affected endpoints