This is a simple JSON parser implemented in Haskell.
Module for lexical analysis (turning a raw content into tokens for further parsing)src/Parse.hs
Module for parsing and API
You can run app/Main.hs
to test it in console:
>> stack build
>> stack exec parse-json-exe
Please provide filename:
Parse result:
JsonObject [("first_name", [JsonString "John"])],
JsonObject [("last_name", [JsonString "Smith"])],
JsonObject [("is_alive", [JsonBool True])],
JsonObject [("age", [JsonNumber 27.0])],
JsonObject [
("address", [
JsonObject [("street_address", [JsonString "21 2nd Street"])],
JsonObject [("city", [JsonString "New York"])],
JsonObject [("state", [JsonString "NY"])],
JsonObject [("postal_code", [JsonString "10021-3100"])]
JsonObject [
("phone_numbers", [
JsonObject [("type", [JsonString "home"])],
JsonObject [("number", [JsonString "212 555-1234"])],
JsonObject [("type", [JsonString "office"])],
JsonObject [("number", [JsonString "646 555-4567"])]
JsonObject [("children", [JsonString "Catherine", JsonString "Thomas", JsonString "Trevor"])],
JsonObject [("spouse", [JsonNull])]