This is a testing tool developed to support manual ad-hoc testing of individual JavaFX controls.
JavaFX SDK is required to build the tool. You can use a JavaFX SDK that you build or you can download the JavaFX SDK. The latest SDK can be found here:
The tool uses ant
to build a non-modular JAR. You'll need to specify the path to JavaFX SDK 20+
(using absolute path, the script apparently does not understand ~ symbols):
ant -Djavafx.home=<JAVAFX>
The tool requires JDK 21+ and JavaFX 21+.
To launch, specify the path to the JavaFX SDK lib/ folder on the command line, example:
java -p <JAVAFX>/javafx-sdk-21/lib/ --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar MonkeyTester.jar
Applications stores the user preferences (window position, currently selected page, etc.) in ~/.MonkeyTester
To use a different directory, for example to run multiple instances of MonkeyTester without
having them fight over the preferences, one can redefine the user.home
system property,
To disable loading and saving, specify -Ddisable.settings=true
VM agrument.